A soon to be dead scientist {103}

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In the dimly lit room, Kenjaku stood before the USA president, his eyes glinting with a mysterious intensity. The air in the room felt heavy as he began to articulate his vision for a revolutionary energy source.

"Mr. President, I present to you a solution that will transform the very foundation of your energy needs," Kenjaku spoke with an air of confidence. "Curse energy, an untapped force that has the potential to power our nation for an unprecedented duration."

As Kenjaku delved into the intricacies of curse energy, he painted a vivid picture of its capabilities, describing how it could be harnessed and utilized for the betterment of society. The president listened attentively, intrigued by the prospect of a new and potent energy source.

Kenjaku's persuasive words carried an almost hypnotic quality, and with each passing moment, it became evident that he was not merely proposing a concept but unveiling a transformative power that could shape the future of the nation. The room buzzed with a sense of anticipation as the president considered the implications of embracing this unconventional form of energy.

    As Kenjaku saw their enthusiatic face inwardly he grinned,those power hungry idiot were so easy to manipulate,they would serve as great meatshield in the culling game,now it was about time to bait them more. "A sorcerer by the name of Satoru Gojo possess enough curse energy in order to sustain your country for ever"Kenjaku said as he watch the face of the people in the room change,he could see it in their eyes. 

Kenjaku's revelation about Satoru Gojo's immense curse energy sent shockwaves through the room. The faces of the officials contorted with a mixture of disbelief, greed, and strategic calculation. The idea that a single individual could hold the key to unlimited power for their nation was both enticing and unnerving.

The USA president leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with a keen interest. "Satoru Gojo, you say? Tell me more about this sorcerer and how we can harness his curse energy for our benefit."

Kenjaku's grin widened as he continued to weave his narrative, crafting a tale that portrayed Gojo as a source of immeasurable power, a potential solution to the nation's energy crisis. He spoke of Gojo's abilities, his significance in the world of sorcery, and the potential gains that awaited those who could control and manipulate his curse energy.

The atmosphere in the room became charged with a palpable sense of ambition. The USA president, along with the officials, began envisioning a future where they held the reins of this newfound power, unaware of the intricate web of schemes that Kenjaku had already set in motion.

"This is not all,a new jujutsu sorcerer appeared not to long ago,a sorcerer by the name of Kenzo Tatsu,he possess an immense amount of power,and unlike curse energy his energy seem to be purer,as if you could do anything with it"Kenjaku suddenly revealed and as he said that it seemed as if the greed of the people in the room became visible as the picture of a handsome and muscular young man with gray eyes, black hair, and sharp facial features was seen

Kenjaku's revelation about another powerful sorcerer named Kenzo Tatsu added fuel to the already burning flames of ambition in the room. The image of this enigmatic figure sparked curiosity and greed among the officials, each imagining the possibilities of harnessing such pure and potent energy.

The USA president, his eyes gleaming with anticipation, asked, "Tell us more about this Kenzo Tatsu. What makes his power so special, and how can we secure his cooperation or control?"

Kenjaku, reveling in the attention and growing desire of his audience, continued to spin his tale. He described Kenzo's strength, unique abilities, and the potential applications of his energy. The allure of acquiring power that transcended the conventional bounds of curse energy was too tempting for the officials to resist.

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