Plotting (32)

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"Alright, I forgot to say, you've got 30 minutes to land a hit on me," Kenzo said with a playful smirk, deftly dodging another one of Maki's strikes. He had now upped the stakes, challenging her to overcome his evasive maneuvers and finally make contact.

As Maki prepared to strike again, Kento suddenly appeared in front of her, his face inches away from hers. The proximity sent a jolt of surprise through her, momentarily causing her to hesitate. Kenzo swiftly retreated, skillfully eluding any potential retaliation.

Maki's temper flared, a mix of frustration and determination welling up within her

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Maki's temper flared, a mix of frustration and determination welling up within her. She scowled at Kenzo, his teasing only fueling her desire to land a solid hit. She understood his intention—to test her resolve, to push her limits—and she refused to let him undermine her.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Maki refocused her energy. She disregarded Kenzo's taunts, channeling her anger into precision and control. Every movement became deliberate, calculated. She studied his patterns, analyzing his elusive techniques, and strategized her next move.

Time seemed to fly as the intense battle continued. Maki unleashed a relentless assault, her strikes becoming faster and more precise. Kenzo danced around her, his agility and speed pushing her to the limit. But Maki refused to back down. She had a fire burning within her, a burning determination to prove herself.

As the minutes ticked away, Maki's frustration transformed into resolve. She channeled her emotions into her attacks, each strike carrying the weight of her determination. Her focus intensified, blocking out distractions and honing in on Kenzo movements.

With each passing moment, Maki grew more attuned to Kenzo's strategies. She anticipated his dodges and feints, adjusting her tactics accordingly. Her strikes became sharper, inching closer to their target. The battle became a dance of skill and will, each participant pushing themselves to their limits.

The pressure mounted as the time dwindled. Maki's body moved with fluidity and precision, each strike propelled by her unwavering spirit. She saw an opening, an opportunity to finally make contact. With a burst of energy, she launched herself forward, her strike aimed directly at Kenzo.

Whether she would succeed in landing a hit within the given time frame remained uncertain. But in that moment, Maki's determination burned fiercely, pushing her forward. She refused to let her temper cloud her judgment. With every ounce of strength, she aimed to seize the moment and prove herself capable.

Time seemed to freeze as her strike closed in, the outcome hanging in the balance. And in that thrilling instant, Maki unleashed her full power, her focus unwavering.

He dodged the attack while barely moving, this was bullying and he needed to stop soon.

"Hey, Maki, you're doing great with your technique, but you need to watch your footwork," Kenzo would say, a smirk playing on his lips. "If you adjust your stance just a bit, you'll have more balance and power behind your strikes. Not that it'll make much of a difference against me, but it's good to know, right?"

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