Chapter 60: My Words

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I can't believe what I'm seeing. The man is standing over Superman with his sword risen.

"It can't be," I tell myself, "No, it just can't be. The Man is going to impale Superman. This can't be right."

I don't know what I am thinking. I can't be sure of what is going on in my head, but for whatever reason, I can't let him do it. I jump and fly right into The Man, pushing him off Superman. We fall onto the Rusted's floor and keep on rolling over each other until The Man pins me down. I look at him as he pulls back his fist. He screams as he sends it forward.

"No," I scream, closing my eyes. As I close my eyes, I expect The Man to hit me. I keep waiting for it. I keep waiting for the moment when he punches me. Only, it never happens.

I slowly open my eyes to see The Man still in front of me, but it doesn't seem like The Man from before. His hand is shaking. He's breathing very heavily. The black glow on him is pulsing like crazy.

"Kara," he says before getting off of me. The second I can, I push myself back to my feet. As I get up, everyone else is completely frozen. They're all staring at me and The Man. I ignore the look and instead focus on The Man. For some reason, he's now stumbling around, his hands pushing against the sides of his head.

"Noo," he cries, dropping to his knees. "Noo! I need to stop! I need to stop!"

I drop to my own knees and place my hands on him.

"You need to stop what," I yell, grabbing onto him. "You need to stop what! What is going on? Please! Tell me!"

The Man lowers his head. He starts to breathe even heavier. It sounds like he choking on something.

"Get the doctor," I yell, turning to the others.

Reverse-Flash and Dinah both nod their heads. They turn to leave but before they can take two steps, The Man shoots out his hand and stop them.

"No," The Man yells. "No. I am not important. Oa is. The green lanterns there are. They need our help! We're going to save them!"

"You can't be serious," Leonard says, "You still want to save those green bastards? After all they done to us? Why?"

"Because being a superhero sucks," The Man replies.

"Also, because whether or not they know it or want to admit it," Ganthet says as he and Atrocitus step out from the stairs. "The Green Lanterns Corps. require your aids. All of you."

"You're fighting with us," Oliver asks, "Can you even fight?"

Ganthet answers Oliver with a rise of his hand. He blasts the cannon Oliver is standing next to.

"Please don't do that again," The Man says walking up the stairs and to the Rusted's wheel. He grabs the wheel and turns us toward Oa. "Those cannons are not only over five hundred old years but have also been heavily modified."

"Where did you get five hundred years old cannons," Barry asks.

"Bottom of the Caribbean sea."

As the Rusted turns and flies toward Oa, I realize something

"Wait," I say, grabbing The Man's arm and looking around. "Where did Superman and the others go?"


"Almost there you two," I say, looking down at Cyborg and Hawkgirl. Using my yellow ring, I shield the two in a bubble and fly with them beside Black Adam and Wonder Woman. Altogether the five of us all fly to Oa.

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