Chapter 22: The Newest Green Lantern

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"Take that shield down," I order, pointing at Oa's planetary shield. My yellow lanterns soldiers concreting their fire, the shield shakes as it struggles to maintain itself. However, it shatters into pieces a few minutes later, and in its place is an opening.

"Attack," I yell, waving my hand and watching as my soldiers and the beta fliers all charge in them the opening. The shield is regenerating itself so I stop a few soldiers and order them to keep the opening from closing.

"Yes sir," they say, flying around the opening. Before it can close, my soldiers shoot their rings and yellow claws appear around the opening, grabbing and keeping it open.

"This is going to be quite a show," I say, following after my soldiers as we all charge in.

The Man:

"Yellow lanterns," Kilowog screams, pointing at the hole in the ceiling. "Everyone, attack!"

The ring's life support comes on, Kilowog then glows green and flies into the air. Before leaving through the skylight, he stops to look at the Guardians.

"Guardians of Oa," he says, "Please take cover. We'll hold back the yellow lanterns."

Other green lanterns gather around Kilowog, they all watch as the Guardians fly down from the slab and disappear down a hidden hallway. Once the Guardians are clear, all the green lanterns fly out. All except one.

"Hey," Harleen says, kneeling down and holding Arisia's head. "Hey. Are you okay?"

Arisia moaning at first quickly opens her eyes.

"What happened," she says, placing her hand on her head as she gets to her feet. "Where is everyone?"

"They're fighting yellow lanterns," Harleen answers.

"And you didn't miss much," I add. "Just something about rabbit and carrot."

"What," Arisia says before looking up. Immediately, as soon as she sees the yellow dots, she forgets about everything else.

"Yellow lanterns," Arisia screams, her ring coming to life. Glowing green and floating in the air, she looks at us.

"If you all are really here to help," she starts, "Then please, help us now."

"You don't even have to ask," I say.

"Of course," Kara says, stepping forward.

As I turn back to the others, I notice some yellow lanterns flying away from the main fight.

"Kara," I start, "Jaime. Professor Stein. Millennial. Follow Arisia to the fight."

"What about the rest of us," Leonard asks, bringing up his cold gun.

"Follow me," I say, "I have a bad hunch about something."

"What is it," Kara asks.

Before I could answer, a building shaking reminds us of what is going on right now. Instead, we all look at each other before nodding and splitting up.

"This way," I say, leading everyone out of the meeting chamber.

"Where are we going," Flash asks.

"Oa's infirmary."


"Head up," I shout, watching as a bunch of yellow lanterns start firing at us. Besides the yellow lanterns, there are also a bunch of these flying spaceships. They're silver and glowing purple and firing lasers at us. Surrounding Salaak, they fire at him and knock him back and forth.

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