Chapter 35: The Second Invasion

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The Man:

"It's nighttime," I say, watching as the lights from all over Oa slowly turn off one after the other. As the stars come twinkling on, I look up at them.

"What are you doing," a voice asks from behind me. Turning, I see Laria standing there with crossed arms.

"Nothing much," I answer, turning back. "Just a little stargazing."

Laria takes a few steps and stops when she is side by side with me. She too looks up.

"What exactly are you looking at," she asks after a few minutes.

"Again," I start, "Nothing much. Just a little bit of stargazing. It's something I like to do. Really help to calm the mind."

"Calm the mind," she repeats.

"Between Superman's invasion, the Green Lanterns hating us, oh, and let's not forget Atrocitus suddenly appearing out of nowhere, believe me. I think this is something we can all use."

"I guess," Laria says, looking back up. "Still, I see stars all the time when I fly through space."

"So do I," I say, "But every now and then, don't you just want to sit back and look peacefully up at the night sky? You know, before explosions and green beams fill it."

"I guess. This is the longest we've gone without any yellow lanterns attacking us."

I turn to look at Mogo.

"Thank you Mogo," I say, waving at the big guy. Either Mogo doesn't see me or he ignores me, but I don't care.

"So what brings you up here," I ask, turning from the stars to Laria. "You should be resting with the others. Not talking with me."

"That's actually why I came up here," Laria says, turning to face me. "We need to talk."


"Oh god," I say, covering my ears with my hands. "I can't listen to this anymore."

Walking down the stairs, I walk through the hallway. I think I'm trying to find my room but I can't be sure. All I know is that I don't like The Man talking with Laria. It's really bothering me, but I don't want to interfere. Instead, I want to talk with someone, but the only person I can really talk to is busy.

I tap my wrist.

"I hope this works."


My head goes up and down as I beatbox to the tune of my music.

"Tur, tur, tur, duh, duh, duh, mum-mum, mum-mum, done, done."

While still beatboxing, I stop when my phone goes off. Stopping and clearing my throat, I answer the call.

"Hello," I start, "Man? Is everything okay? How's Oa?"

"It's bad," someone else answers, not The Man in Sunglasses. It sounds like Supergirl.

"Supergirl," I ask, "Is this you? How are you able to call me?"

"It's a feature of the suit I was given," Supergirl answers.

"You mean the excellneno-suit. Oh man, I wish I had one of these. These suits are awesome."

"Yeah, they're awesome. Listen, Christelight, I don't know if it's late or not on Earth, but I really could use someone to talk to. Are you free?"

"Uhhh, sure. Wait, why aren't you talking with The Man? I mean, are you two close or something?"

"We're not that close," Supergirl says.

"Really? I don't know if I can say this or not, but I thought you two were close. I mean, we've never actually seen each other, but from what I've heard, you and The Man are normally always together. From the moment he rescued you from Styker's."

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