Chapter 40: Red and Blue

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The Man with the Red Lantern Ring:

I focus my rage and shoot out my ring. A solid, bright-red shooting out, it hits the ground and forms a staircase. Pulling back my ring, I run up the stairs, with Saint Walker following after me.

"This cannot be right," Saint Walker says as he flies beside me. "My blue ring should cancel out your red ring, and yet, you're running on a staircase made from rage. By the way, why are you running? I do not want to be rude, but you do know those with rings, whether they be blue, red, or green, can fly. Right?"

"Of course I know that," I say, reaching the top of the stairs. As I step foot onto the final step, I see Kilowog and his band of idiotic green lanterns charging toward us. Despite the ring of rage on my finger, it seems Kilowog is angrier.

The second he can, he shoots out his green ring and fires a green beam. The green beam heading for us, I form a red staff and swing it. Hitting and redirecting the green beam, we all watch as it shoots into the sky before disappearing.

The green lanterns surround Saint Walker and me. They hover in the air and aim their rings at us. As they prepare to shoot, I see everyone except me glowing brighter. It seems like more energy is emitting from them than usual.

"Your ring is giving them extra fuel," I say. "You do know they're also trying to bring you down. Right?"

"It is not my fault," Saint Walker replies, staring at his ring. "My ring is powered by hope, and apparently, was designed to add extra power to the green lantern rings."

"Awesome," I say, "My partner is supercharging the same green lanterns that want to destroy us. Maybe I should have asked Kara instead of you."

"Fire," Kilowog screams, he and all the other lanterns shooting. Grabbing Saint Walker, I swing my hand and turn the staircase into sands. Dropping down, the lanterns all accidentally hit and knocks each other around.

Landing on my feet, I let go of Saint Walker and run.

"I got Kilowog and those two. You handle those three."

I channel my rage into another staff and stab one end into the ground. The staff bending, it launches me into the air as it straightens itself and I shoot out my feet, hitting Kilowog.


"No way," I say, looking back after reaching the Rusted. "That can't be."

"What," a young Earthling asks, stopping beside me. "What are you looking at? Oh, no way. Hey Professor, are you seeing this?"

The young Earthling grabs the arm of another Earthling, this one appears to be a little older than he is.

"My word," the elderly Earthling says. "He, The Man, is using a red lantern ring. That's amazing."

"Amazing," the young Earthling repeats. "It's bad."

"Well, yes, it is bad, but clearly, he seems to be handling it quite well. That man, The Man, he obviously knows more about the many lantern rings than other of us."

"He does," I think to myself, watching as The Man battles the green lanterns. A green beam hitting the spaceship shakes it and almost knocks the three of us down.

"Come on," I say, grabbing the two and carrying them in.

The Man:

Screaming as I jump into the air, I raise my ax before swinging it down and destroying the wall. The wall crumbling before us, I kick the green lantern back before turning around. I turn the ax into a sword and rise it.

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