Chapter 32: Taken

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The Man:

"Atrocitus," I say, stepping onto the railing. Jumping through the Rusted's shield, I reach for a kungi and throw it at Kilowog.

As I drop toward the ground, I hear a shotgun blast and watch as my kungi is hit. Both I and my kungi fall onto the ground. Landing on my knee, I look up to see Lobo and Garnder hovering beside Kilowog.

"You traitor," Garnder says, switching targets. Now, he's aiming at the Rusted.

"Remember me," Lobo says, spitting out a green cigar. He pumps his shotgun and aims it at me. "No ring this time. You're dead."


Running up the stairs to the outside of the ship, something happens that causes the Rusted shakes. Hitting the wall, I push myself off of it and run through.

"What's going on," I yell, seeing Arisia, Laira, Harleen, and Captain Cold all at the side. "Is someone attacking us?"

"Oh yeah," Captain Cold says, bringing up his cold gun. "We're under attack alright. By the Green Lanterns."

"Of course," Dinah says as she and Oliver run up the stairs. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Not now," Oliver says, running up the side and preparing an arrow. "It's Kilowog, Lobo, Garnder, and Atrocitus? What is doing here?"

"I'll tell you later," Harleen answers. "For now, we should probably hold onto something."

Garnder pulls in his arms and legs, he then shoots them out and unleashes a bright green glow. Turning the whole sky green, it blinds us. Shielding myself, I look after a few seconds and see Guy Garnder once again in a giant green body

Garnder pulling back his fist slams it against the Rusted's shield, causing the ship to shake again.

Dr. Crane:

"Ouch," I scream as the ship shakes and I fall onto a wall. "Ahh, what is going on up there? Ahh, why did the man have to take me here? Why couldn't I stay back at the base? I miss the base."

The ship shakes again, I jump and hide underneath the infirmary's table.

The Man:

"The Rusted's controls," I say, running toward the Rusted. However, three steps in, I jump back when the ground in front of me explodes with green smoke.

"You're not going anywhere," Lobo says, jumping off his motorcycle and landing in front of me. Pumping his shotgun, he aims it at me.

Squeezing the trigger, he fires at me endlessly but I run out of the way. Jumping and flipping through the air, I pull out kungi and throw them.

Lobo summoning a chain, he swings it and blocks all my kungi. Swinging the chain once more, it almost wraps around my leg but before it can, I pull out my sword and cut the chain.

"What the hell," Lobo says, stepping back as his chain disappears. "Where did you get that?"

"With a ring or without," I say, spinning my dual swords. "I am always armed."

I push off the ground and charge toward Lobo.


"Stay here," I say, jumping into the air. Flying through the Rusted's shield, I hold out my arms as I fly directly into the green giant. Knocking him back, he stumbles over before falling over.

"I don't want to fight you," I say, hovering over Garnder, "But you're not leaving me much choice. Give it up now and leave."

"Apparently," Garnder says while still on the ground. "You don't know the first thing about green lanterns."

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