Chapter 27: The Main Men

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The Man:

Kilowog pointing behind me, I turn around to see a massive ball of green energy heading for me. Shooting out my hand, I summon a shield to block the attack.

With the blast hitting my shield, I can literally feel the willpower as my shield shakes, an eruption of green smoke and dust flying everywhere.

As I wait for the dust and smoke to vanish, I see Hal's ring flashing, indicating incoming dangers.

"Yeah," I say, pulling back my hand. "Thanks for the five seconds too late warning. I really appreciate it."

I stop everything when I hear a rumbling sound except, not a rumbling sound. It's the sound of an engine. A motorcycle engine to be specific. However, while it may sound like a motorcycle engine, there is a slight modification.

"Oh no," I say, realizing who is coming. As far as I know, there is only one person in this whole universe that rides around in space with a modified motorcycle engine.


"Who is that," I ask, seeing another green lantern heading for The Man. This green lantern is a huge person. His skin is as white as snow but he had long hair darker than space. Dressed in a green vest and pants, he had red eyes and is riding a green motorcycle. Finally, in his mouth is what looks like a green cigar.

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," Barry yells, slamming his hands through the air. "Hal, he's a green lantern? How is he, out of everyone else, a green lantern?"

"I don't know," Hal replies, "But trust me, I'm not happy about it either."

"I can't he's a green lantern," Oliver joins in. "I mean, the guy is nuts. He is literally everything opposite to the green lantern."

"Wow," Harleen says, "You green lanterns have really loosened your requirements."

Arisia bumps Harleen with her elbow.

"Excuse me," I yell, everyone turning to me, "But who is that?"

The Man:

"Lobo," I say, clenching my fist. Watching as the infamous "Main Man" rides around in the sky, doing a few doughnuts, he finally pulls to a stop in front of me, the engine to his green motorcycle shutting up.

"So you're this new guy with glasses I've been hearing so much about," Lobo starts, getting off his bike. Chewing a massive green cigar in his mouth, he grabs one end and throws it onto the ground. "You don't look so tough, you little bastich."

"You look butt ugly as usual," I say, "Lobo."

Stopping for a sec, Lobo's eyes going wide, I prepare to shoot out my arm again. Only, I didn't have to. Instead of attacking me, Lobo turns to the sky and laughs out loud. He laughs and laughs and laughs until finally, he turns back down.

"Oh man," he says, wiping a tear from his eyes. "Oh, man. That was hilarious. Oh, I'm actually going to feel a little sorry about what I have to do now."

I can hear the sound of Kilowog flying away as Lobo raises his green lantern ring.


"And you're sure The Man had a ring," I ask, "A green lantern ring? How is that possible?"

"I do not know Superman," Sinestro replies, "But he had one, and used it quite well."

"I can vouch for that," Black Adam says.

"So can I," Cyborg adds. "He was using it better than Hal Jordan."

"Damn it," I say. Pulling the wires from my head, I get up from the ship's control seat and walk down the stairs.

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