Chapter 45: Two Rings Short

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The Man:

"I'm sorry," Flash says, blinking a few dozen times. "I'm sorry. Wait, what? What did you just say?"

"I said I give up," Hal yells, "Just like Arisia. I give up. I mean, what's the point even? My ring won't glow. According to Sunglasses Man, it's because I lost my will. And without my will, without my ring, what am I? How can I even help anymore? I'm useless."

"Easy with the drama would you," I say, looking at the green ring in my hand. "And get to your feet."

I throw the ring back at Hal. He squirms when it hits his forehead. I watch as the ring falls on the deck and Hal doesn't immediately grab it.

"Okay," I say with a sigh. "This is bad. Hal, come on."

I walk up to Hal and grab him by his neck. Lifting him up, I shake him back and forth.

"Come on," I say, slapping Hal across the face. "Snap out of it, Twitter-Dumb. This is not the time or place to feel down in the dump."

I let go of Hal but he drops to his knees again.

"Oh for crying out loud."

I take a step back and raise my foot. On the verge of stomping the bottom of my dirty shoe against Hal's sad face, I stop when Flash appears in front of me with his arms and legs spread out.

"No need for that," Flash says while Oliver and Jason run to grab and pull me back. "Just let me talk to Hal."

"What can you say to Hal that my foot can't?"

"Uhh, I don't want to kick you."

"Yeah," I say, lowering my foot. "That means sense. Fine. You guys can talk to Hal. Meanwhile, I still need to fix the thrusters, and I need at least some of you to check for any damages."

I look at Oliver and Jason as they still have their arms around me.

"You can let me go now."

"Sorry," Oliver says, he and Jason letting me go. As soon as they do, I quickly punch Flash in the chest before he can stop it.

"By the way, my fist says the same thing."

I nod my head at Oliver, Jason, and everyone else before walking over to the railing. Reaching the railing, I grab it and jump over.

Barry Allen:

"Son of bit-," I say before Oliver cuts me off.

"No, no, no," Oliver says, shaking both his hand and head. "Don't swear."

"Really," I say, bending over while holding my chest.

"Yeah. Do you want Sunglasses to hit you again?"

"Point taken."

Some of the breath returning, I look at the others as they circle Oliver, Jason, Hal, and myself.

"You want an ice pack," Captain Cold asks.

"I'm fine," I say, taking one last breath before pushing myself up. "Just go and look around. Check around for any damages. Meanwhile, I'll talk with Hal."

"Yeah," Reverse-Flash says, bending down. "Best of luck with that. Here, you might need this."

Reverse-Flash gives me Hal's ring before leaving with a few others.

"I'll stay," Oliver says with a nod of his head.

"Strangely enough," Selina says, crossing her arms. "I think I'll stay too. Let me know if you find a gas leak."

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