Chapter 29: Faction

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"Okay," I yell, slamming my fists through the air. "That's enough."

Getting up from the stand, I launch myself toward the green giant.

"Wait," Arisa says, "No!"

The Man:

Lobo's chain wraps around my arm, I look up at Garnder's giant green foot. Directly in its green shadow, I raise my sword high into the air, the blade pointed outward.

"No matter how big you are," I say, "You're still going to feel this."

The shadow gets bigger as it approaches, but all of a sudden, it disappears. Looking up, I see Kara pushing against Garnder's green giant. Despite his best effort, the arena's platform is just too small, and he falls over the ledge.

While falling, he lets go of Laria and she flies away. Meanwhile, Lobo is too busy watching Garnder fall. Taking the opportunity, I spin around and slice the chain.

"What the frag," Lobo screams as he stumbles back, the broken chain disappearing. Before Lobo could summons anything else, I throw my sword once more and watch as it spins through the air before the handle hits and knocks Lobo to the ground.


Landing on the platform with The Man, I'm glad to see him walking toward me.

"Are you okay," I ask The Man, but he ignores me and walks past. "What?"

I turn around to see him approach Laria as she lands on the platform.

"Laria," he starts, "Are you okay?"

He places his hand on her shoulder and I cross my arms.

"I'm fine," Laria replies, "Really, I should be asking the two of you that."

"Why's that," I ask.

"Because the Guardians seem really angry now," Laria answers, pointing toward the sky as the Guardians of Oa approaches us.

The Man:

"Oh boy," I say, my shield disappearing as the Guardians of Oa approach the three of us. I can see the veins pulsing on most of their heads as they get closer and closer.

"You cheated," Ranakar screams, pointing a stern finger at us. Ranakar's eyes are twitching, and his teeth are grinding against each other.

"We cheated," I say, stepping up. "Screw you, you blue leprechaun."

"Stop calling us leprechaun," Ranakar screams, wads of splits flying out.

I'm about to raise a finger against Ranakar but stop. Again, I don't like to swear.

"This was supposed to be a test of my will," I ask, looking directly at Ganthet, Ganthet lowering his head in response. "I get the whole Kilowog pinning me down and trying to crush me thing, but how is battling Lobo and Garnder at the same time suppose to be anything more than a grudge match? Tell me."

All the Guardians stay silent. They stay silent but they stay staring with pulsing veins and grinding teeth.

"Tell me," I yell, a wave of green will shooting out and hitting the Guardians. As they're forced back, many of the Green Lanterns from the stand shoot into the sky and fly toward us. In less than a minute, they fire their ring and trap Laria, Kara, and me in a half bubble. Even Garnder joins in. Flying back up, he fires his ring and reinforces the half bubble.

"Let them go," Arisia says, flying to us. Aiming her ring at the green lantern, Sallaak is the first to first. Firing his ring, he knocks her away.

Watching as she spins uncontrollably through the air, I swing my hand and shatter the half bubble. The half bubble's destruction causes a few green lanterns to shake and fly back. While they're recovering, I swing my hand and shoot out a beam. The beam curves as it turns into a bed and catches Arisia.

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