Chapter 58: Sunglasses Off

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"Kal-El," I shout, waving away the dust in front of me. Hardly doing anything, I instead use my super breath to breathe away all the dust. As the last of the dust clears away, I'm seeing something I couldn't believe.

"What," I say. Darkseid had slammed his hands down. I think he was trying to kill Superman and me. I tried to protect Superman, but he pushed me out of the way and instead tried to take the hit. He tried to take the hit but someone else took it for him.

"You," Darkseid says, looking down at The Man. The Man is holding up Darkseid's hands, and we're both right behind him.

"Enough," The Man yells. His voice sounds different. It doesn't sound like before. He doesn't sound calm or cold. He sounds angry.

"Enough," The Man yells again. He pulls back his head before shooting it forward. As he does, The Man breathes fire. The fire is unlike anything I've ever felt. I can feel my skin burn as The Man burns Darkseid. Darkseid screams and it seems he struggles to break free of The Man but The Man wouldn't let go.

"Father," a tall man with pitch-black hair yells. He runs toward Darkseid and The Man with a mace in his hand.

The Man:

Screaming and unleashing my dragon flame, I see Kalibak running toward me from the corner of my eyes. As he gets closer, I let go of Darkseid's hand and punch him, knocking him through the ground and toward the Rusted. He hits the side of her before falling to the ground.

My mouth is still full of fire when Kalibak reaches me. Raising his mace and trying to hit me, I grab it with one hand and grab his throat with my other.

"I will destroy you," Kalibak screams as he tries to break free. "You are nothing! I will end yo--"

The adrenaline runs from Kalibak's eyes as I stare at him. His boiling blood freezes over. He is no longer in fighting spirit. Instead, he is scared. His eyes are wide as I stare into them.

"When you see your father," I whisper, choking him as I pull him closer. "Tell him congrats. He broke me. Darkseid broke me, and now, I have to use five percent of all my powers."

Kalibak is shaking as I speak. He shakes even further when he sees glowing black lines travel from my eyes throughout my body. As the black lines reach my hand, the red lantern ring I have shattered.

"Too much anger," I say. "And raw power."

Now covered in black lines, Kalibak and I watch as literal parts of my skin open up and tiny bugs crawl out. They crawl out from my skin and right onto Kalibak. He screams and drops his mace. Now trying to hit the bugs off, I throw him to the side.

"Wh--What," Superman stutters as he looks at a wailing and panicking Kalibak before looking at me.

"Look away," I order, "Don't look at me! Both you and Kara cannot look at me as I do this!"

Jumping and flying into the air, I look at Granny and her Furies as they surround Darkseid. Darkseid is holding his hips while pulling himself up. Close to standing fully up, he coughs before dropping to a knee.

"Everyone," I shout, looking at the Rusted. "Close your eyes! Now!"

"Super parademons," Darkseid yells while still on his knee. "Granny! Furies! DeSaad! Attack him! Destroy him!"

He points a shaking finger at me. Immediately, all the super parademons, all the war machines, Granny and her female furies, all charge toward me.

"Close your eyes," I repeat, seeing a few people with their eyes open. "Do it now! Now!"

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