Chapter 18: Greeting Party

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The Man:

"It had been three days," Kara says, standing by my side as she looks out toward the empty space. "At least, I think it had been three days."

"It's hard to tell uh," I reply, my attention switching between Kara and the Rusted's wheel. "You know, due to the lack of sun, moon, or even a clock. Don't worry though. You're right. It had been three days since we left Earth. Oa should be close."

"How do you know," Kara asks, turning back to me. "I mean, have you ever been to Oa before?"

"Yes," I reply, "How else do you think I know where Oa is. I've been there plenty of times."

"Okay," Kara says, nodding her head up and down. "One more question. Why did you design your spaceship like this? I mean, this doesn't at all seem like a normal spaceship."

"It's not," I chuckle, rubbing the back of my head. "Yeah, I'll admit, this is sort of a weird design for a spaceship but I want to keep using the Rusted. That, and I'm exactly the biggest fan of water. Despite my years on the sea."

"Your years on the sea," Kara repeats. "You were a sailor before."

"Years ago. In fact, one of my first times begins a sailor came from an old captain friend of mine. He had a ship exactly like the Rusted. I was a part of his crew, and he taught me a lot about how to sail the sea."

"What was his name?"

"Captain Edward Kenway of the Jackdaw."

"The Jackdaw?"

"It's a kind of bird. Anyway, besides teaching me how to sail, he also taught me a few other things."

I think Kara was about to ask what else Edward taught me but before she could, we hear screaming coming from below.

"Are we there yet," Flash shouts, stomping up the stairs and onto the deck. "We've been on this stupid boat for a week now. Why are we there yet? Where is Oa?"

I'm about to reach for a kungi but then I remember Kara is standing beside me. Instead, I bite my tongue and inhale.

"You can ask me that all you want," I yell from the ship's bridge. "But we are not there yet. You will know when we're there because you see a giant green planet. P.S, we've only been on this ship for three days."

"Three days," Flash repeats, looking at me. "Three days? It feels so much longer. Can't this boat go any faster?"

"The Rusted is a ship," I say. "She is a ship, not a boat. It is a ship."

It's not too long before the others start to walk out from below deck.

"Are we there yet," Jason asks, walking to the railing and looking out.

"Do you see a giant green planet," I ask, holding my hand over my eyes and looking around. "Hmm, no? Then I guess we're not there yet."

"Hey," Oliver says, walking out from below. "Are we there yet?"

I put the end of my finger pistol against my head and shoot.

"Boom," I whisper, invisible parts of my skull and brain bursting out.

"Also, how do you know we're not off course or anything like that? I mean, I'm not doubting your 'sailing skill' or anything, but this isn't the high sea."

"No, it is not."

I picture my days on the high sea versus my days traveling through space and as interesting as comets, black holes, and aliens are, nothing can beat the time I watched a squid fights a whale.

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