(Okuda Manami) Cast A Spell

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Warnings: Manipulation, possessiveness, and obsessiveness.

If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Pleasant noises coming from the television helped in making the ambience within the living room more relaxing and enjoyable, despite the occupants only being two individuals in the comforts of each other's embrace. For the couple, it is clear that even though they are small in number, being in the presence of the other and to be with the one they love had been enough. A highly rated romantic comedy played as you view the movie in amusement and interest, expressing your mood with a short laugh here and there as Manami relishes in your joy. She shares your brightened feelings, releasing soft giggles oftentimes as the movie continued. 

It seemed that you had been focused too much on the movie that you did not notice Manami's own attention diverting to a window nearby. The early night could be seen outside as the soft city lights glittered through its reflection on the glass. It had been a simple view that remained to be breathtaking that only caused her to admire for a few seconds before she realized something dire. The numbers presented by the calendar hanging on the wall of what she can view seemed to mock her, especially after she realized how long it has been. It would seem that she had enjoyed your company and affections too much that she forgot to check something.

Carefully untangling herself from the hug that you initiated, she forces herself to let go of the sweet moment that the two of you had that she grows to be skeptical of before immediately standing up. She instantly excuses herself without even giving you a glance, clearly portraying her need to hurry with whatever she needed to do. You arm instinctively tried to reach out to her retreating figure as you are about to stand up and follow her as well, but decided against it in hopes of not upsetting her. She needed her privacy, and if it has something to do with you, she would inform you of it. For now, you can't help, but worry as you stiffly sat alone on the couch.

"I'll be missing you. Don't be gone for too long." You called out despite her figure being out of your view before you could even finish your reminder, leaving you to sigh and wonder what could have gotten her in such a hurry, but decided to let her have her own time and wait.

Hearing her response that she won't be gone for a long time, you smiled in relief before deciding to resume watching the movie. Subtly frowning in concern, you can only shrug in nonchalance after realizing that she won't be able to see the parts of the show while she's gone. Upon hearing the soft clattering of utensil and ceramics within the kitchen, you thought that she was just hungry before being fully relieved as you focus completely on the movie. As for Manami, she constantly scolds herself mentally, even through soft whispers to herself with how intense she's feeling. Once reaching the kitchen, she immediately starts to look for a secret compartment.

Sighing in relief, she relaxes herself to not cause any more commotion that would attract your attention. Gently uncapping the vial among the many others that are securely placed in a small metallic box, she carefully adds a few drops of it on your favorite drink of the night to lessen suspicion. Cleaning everything and taking the drink, she returns to where you are while remaining to stir the liquid. Portraying faux excitement, Manami places the cup in front of you while urging for you to drink it as the scent gave away what it really is for. Not really buying her act and deciding to be truthful to her as well, you sighed after knowing what she intended to do.

"Oh, I'm surprised that you managed to remember... How long has it been?" You curiously asked after remembering the familiar aroma after consuming it countless of times in the past within a certain duration between each intake, starting to realize what it had been for just from your last drink of it.

Manami, already starting to become brittle with her own panic and overthinking, only became agitated with your harmless and innocent question, seeing it as another form of mockery for her forgetfulness as she almost yells out her plea. "Please, just drink it...! Or else, I would force you if if I need to..."

You can really sense her negative emotions that she tries to hide through her strained smile. You found no offense with the way she acted towards you, only leaving you to be worried with what could have caused her change of mood. Frowning in confusion and concern, you did not hesitate in taking a sip of the warm drink she made for you to reassure her. The usual flavor of the liquid remains to be the most potent to the taste, but the subtle hint of an added extract of something other than its common ingredients remained to strike you. Finishing it all up, Manami waits for something as she stares at you intently that you found adorable as you only smiled in return.

"There, happy? Though I just like to ask, how would I behave after being under with... whatever that is? Not like this, I'd assume?" You casually asked after placing down the cup of the now emptied drink, lightly wiping your lips with any trace  of the liquid as what you did left her wide eyed.

She was caught off guard with how you acted, not expecting for a situation to happen, though she remains to be cautious and panicked. With clenched fists, she forced herself to not cry and throw a tantrum with the result not being what she desired. Even though you seem to not pose any hostility towards her, her overthinking led her to believe that you are just putting up an act. Just the thought of you playing with her before trying to escape leaves her all the more worried with the failure she witnessed. The efforts she put into establishing a valuable relationship with you despite it having the foundation of forced love on your side seemed to vanish in her view. 

Only having the thought that she failed with her own experiment that led her to doubt herself, her skills, and everything related to your relationship with her, she stares at you in disbelief before remarking while silently crying. "H-How...? Does it not work anymore? I should change the proportion of---"

"Don't worry too much about it, Manami... What if you just don't need to use that on me anymore?" You gently cooed before slowly standing up, about to approach her, but she takes a step back before warily looking at you while asking you what you meant with your inquiry.

"Aw, no need to be sad... You relied on using it too much. But really, what I feel for you right now without it had been real all this time." You tried to reassure once more, basing your statement with your assumption of the reason behind her hesitation and wariness with letting you close.

Something seemed to click inside her that snapped her out of her worried state once she meets your gaze that is filled with intense and genuine care and affection. Such eyes she could only view in her own reflection as she daydreams of the moment that the both of you would be together in the past. But now as she witnessed it being returned from the one she dearly loves, though she portrays hers in a not so normal way, she can't help, but to feel touched with your silent reassurance as well. You internally expressed your relief, seeing as she is slowly starting to accept and believe your words that also portrays her lessened wariness of your intention.

Gently wiping away her tears, she gently smiles before taking a step closer to you before she asks, wanting to clear her remaining doubt with what you really feel without her forcing you to love her back after all this time. "You love me too...? Even without it? You don't hate me? Really?"

"My sweet Manami... I promise. I love you dearly too, without it. Want more proof? I haven't left you all this time. What about our more lovely moments, hm? All of those are real." You subtly winked as a tease to lighten up the mood a bit, softly smiling to comfort her as you silently invite her for an embrace.

Seeing that you hold no malice and hatred with what she did just for the sake of experiencing how you would love her back, it would seem that her greatest wish and desire had been granted. She immediately rushes to you before accepting your hug, securely wrapping her arms around you as her sudden move almost caused you to fall. You lightly huffed a breath of air that had been forced out of you during her action, but you nonetheless return her affection through gently embracing her. You luckily caught your balance just in time as the situation caused you to lightly laugh in amusement before you give a gentle and affectionate kiss on her cheek.

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