(Karasuma Tadaomi) Accident

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Warnings: Possessive and obsessive behaviors, and kidnapping. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Different antiques greeted your sight as you look from left to right, things that look like it managed to live and see another day and seems to bring you back to history. Small dust had accumulated to some as the owner of the shop seem to be away for some time now, leaving you to manage the shop until your grandma will be back in due time from her little vacation to a simple island across the sea to take a little break from the stress and exhaustion from an unknown reason.

Opening the creaking wooden door, followed by a small ring, you stepped inside the establishment as a comforting aura emits from it that seems to greet a warm welcome to the temporary owner. You were requested by your grandma to take care of her antique shops in just a week as you agreed to her request, seeing as you had nothing much to do during the said week except reading some books which you can peacefully do while managing the shop as there's not that many costumers going anyway.

Stepping inside, you decided to clean up little, for there is still more time before the designated time for the shop to open for the rare costumers to buy some of the trinkets. Passing by a small wooden statue that looks like a crow or raven of some sort that was sealed shut in a glass box with a warning sign to not open it, you decided to follow the warning and continue on your way to start cleaning up and after that, to open the store for the day.

Figuratively patting yourself on your back for a job well done after you successfully managed to make the shop cleaner and tidier than it was a few minutes earlier, you take out your book and start to read while waiting for some of the usual and probably new costumers to arrive. Taking out the bookmark that was placed between two pages where the other is where you had stopped reading, you have resumed back to being indulged in the story.

A few minutes later, a soft ring of the bell chimed in between the silence as you looked up from your book and towards the door where a mother and her son get inside the shop and greets you with a good morning as it is still that time of the day that leaves two hours before it strikes noon. The woman proceeds to a small section of the shop where sets of tea cups are being displayed. Her son decided to explore the shop a bit more and so, you keep a watchful eye over him.

You slowly made your way towards the boy who's approaching the glass box that had also caught your eye earlier as it seems like it had the same effect to the child. Perhaps it was the cuteness or the toy-like appearance of the small wooden statue that draw the boy's attention as he softly places a palm on the glass, it was also your cue to inform the little boy who seems to be still young around four years of age to be careful with touching some of the things, but his mother beats you to it.

"Akano! Don't just touch things without permission! What if you break it?" The lady softly scolded her child who's big bright eyes stare at his mom turn towards your approaching figure that made the woman also acknowledge your presence, profusely apologizing with her head hangs low as the little boy followed suit.

"It's fine, madam. Nothing bad happened and you can continue to explore the shop. Of course, ask some permission from your mom or me next time, alright?" You give a small smile to the two as his mom said her thanks and proceeds to purchase a certain tea set that she likes.

The duo continues to explore the shop just as you had told them to, but with more caution this time. They went back to the counter again with you put down your book on a small table beside you as the woman buys a wooden airplane that her son wants for her to purchase. The two of them leave after they bade their goodbyes to you. Glancing at the glass box and being quite bothered by the small hand print on the glass, you decided to wipe it off. Unaware of the crow's eyes that seemed to glow red for a second, you wiped off the dirt.

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