(Jelavić Irina) Forbidden Fruit

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Warnings: Slightly mature theme and bloody scene, jealousy, overprotective behavior, slight mature theme, and killing. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Passing by the classroom to go back to the teacher's office, you halt your steps when you noticed the class throwing different school supplies directly at their new English teacher. You noticed Karasuma shaking his head in disappointment of the new addition to the teaching staff while you were quite amused with the commotion, with the students telling Irina to get out of the room and for Koro-sensei to handle the subject instead. Irina did just that, storming out of the classroom and passing by you and Karasuma as she seemed to not notice you two.

Deciding to follow her to also try to calm her down and get to know her more, as you hoped that the students and she just started on the wrong foot, you start to go to the teacher's office where Irina had stormed off to, but you were preceded by Karasuma himself who calmly followed the blonde teacher. Knowing that the target was still visiting somewhere else which results to the students having no one to teach them for the rest of the period, you made your way inside the class and was relieved to know that you were knowledgeable enough for the subject and lessons they need to further prepare for the exams.

The class was disappointed when it was finally a lunch break since they still want to learn new things from you. Unlike their new teacher, the class warmed up immediately to you after you introduced yourself. You remembered your first introduction to the class like it was yesterday, still fresh within your memory as it caused to tug upwards the corners of your lips. It was such a memorable day with them having a curious gaze laid out to you while you ignored the quite perverted stare of the octopus beside you.

A warm smile was on your face as you get on with the introduction, stating the subject that you'll be teaching along with some jokes being cracked here and there that made most of the students laugh while the rest just snickered, but they were still amused by it nonetheless. After that, Karasuma cuts in as he informs that you'll also be the one ensuring the safety of the students along with being their teacher. The students respected you after you taught them once as they were amazed at your way of teaching since they easily understood the topic.

"Irina Jelavić, right?" You snapped out of your trip along your memory when you saw the aggravated face of one of your colleagues, still irritated at what had occurred a few minutes prior inside the classroom.

"Finally! Someone who knows how to pronounce it properly!" She exasperatedly exclaimed, raising both of her hands before plopping them on her lap again.

Deciding to face you, she was overwhelmed with embarrassment of her small outburst. "I-I mean, yes, how can I help a cutie, which is you, by the way."

She was surprised when she received such a minimal reaction from you since if it was her usual costumers and targets, they would be head over heels for her by just seeing her beauty as the pick up line is just a plus.

"You're beautiful yourself, Miss Jelavić. I actually want to lend a hand to you. For, you know, warming you up with the students? I've noticed that they were still angered by your... attitude last time." Another surprise for her again when she felt her cheeks warm up by your simple compliment.

"I don't need it since being a teacher really isn't my profession." You sweat dropped when Irina tries to free herself from Karasuma, who dragged her like a sack by the back of her collar as he decided to show her the talents of the students.

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