(Akabane Karma) Wrong Guess

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Warnings: Stalking, overprotective and possessive behavior, manipulation, and threat. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Opening the glass doors that lead to the balcony of the hotel room that you had rented for some days until you had finally found a new residence, you immediately let a smile tug your lips while enjoying the fresh, and warm air of the late afternoon. You had finally got back to Japan after a horrific experience that you had gotten yourself into a few years back, specifically about three years ago. You were relieved and glad that the trip back to this country from the one that you had let yourself escape from for the last three years of your life had gotten as fine as it could be. Especially since you weren't greeted by him and you weren't forced to be with him again.

But of course, for that certain three years was also enough for you to forget and halt yourself from reminiscing it. Around the first few months of your successful escape, you were the once scared and paranoid person which is very different to who you are now, a determined and a much stronger individual that won't let your past haunt you and ruin the rest of your life for you knew that it would be difficult to meet him again since none of your friends, especially your former classmates, had known of your arrival back in Japan which made you relieved and excited to have a peaceful life once again.

At least, that's what you had hoped so, for the past to not repeat itself. You immediately throw the thought away from your mind as you are determined to change your fate and to have a bright future ahead of you without his interference. And so, with the thought that everything will start to go back to normal and that he would never bother and come back to wreck your life all over again, you decided to let yourself enjoy any activity after you let yourself rest from the tiring travel you had gone through.

What you didn't know though, is that you had guessed wrong and a certain individual did manage to know about your arrival and that certain individual is none other than the same person you had traumatized yourself with in the past. He had already known when you are arriving and is currently busying himself with thinking of a proper next step to lure you right back into his domain. But of course, he's not called a sadist for no reason and add manipulation into that equation will really result for you in for a surprise and will also bring enjoyment and amusement to him.

Of course, he had already anticipated that when you will be back again, you had probably changed and had successfully convinced yourself that he will not pursue you or even dare to meet you again. How wrong you were for even assuming that he would easily give up. Unfortunately for you, he's very stubborn and quite persevere and would stop at nothing to get anything he wants or in that case, someone. You had already started the chasing game once you had stepped a foot again in this country and he will make sure that he, the chaser, will catch you, but not too soon because where's the fun in that?

Instead, he decided to be patient and force himself to wait even for just a few weeks to give you the fake safety and normality you had sought and he would immediately strike whenever you are vulnerable. That sounds a good plan to him. He was already getting excited with the thought of seeing your surprised face that will probably be mixed with fear and disbelief and how broken you will probably be once you have known and proved that you really are no match against him and that's because you will know and accept soon enough that you won't be able to escape him ever again.

"Don't worry, Y/N. I'm back for you and when I'll be able to have you once again, I'll never let you go." Karma muttered to himself as if cooing a crying baby and trying to get them to sleep with how soft and gentle his tone is that is quite contradicting to the annoyance and anger he's starting to feel when he remembered your escape.

But of course, the past was in the past and there's no point crying over spilt milk. Whatever mistake he had done that had lead with you slipping away from him will be forgotten once you will be within his grasp again.

He waited even after all of the lights along the certain room that you are in are turned off to ensure that you really are deep in your slumber before he gets out of his car and sneakily made himself welcome into your temporary abode in which he'll make sure will be suitable for the two of you in his own soon enough. Just by seeing you sleeping in peace and unaware of his presence, he couldn't help himself as he softly lets his fingers glide along the exposed skin of your face that made you move a little bit, but you were luckily still asleep, but he decided it would be enough for today.

For the past few weeks, you really felt that nothing was out of the picture, even though its quite the contradiction for your ex lover had already been stalking you from the first time he had visited, but made it very subtle. And just as he had predicted, you really had gotten yourself too comfortable with the thought of being safe and living a normal life again that made him chuckle in disbelief at your absurd wish that he will soon take it away from ever being fully granted. He had successfully manipulated you into thinking that you are finally safe, even though he had you most under surveillance from the time that he had secretly put some hidden cameras in your new apartment.

Still being a gentleman and not wanting for you to see him as someone perverted, he still respected your privacy. But he was already getting impatient and when he had finally found the perfect opportunity to strike, he did it without any hesitation and the utter surprise you held just by seeing him again really did satisfy and amused him greatly. You stood frozen before you forced yourself to move away from his standing form from the door after you had closed and locked the only barrier you currently have against him. Immediately rushing to your room where you had last left your phone, you were surprised to find it not there and you started to feel scared and nervous when he had managed to make his way inside your apartment.

Just your unluckiness, you remembered that almost everyone that are staying next door or even a few floors away from your own had seemed to be gone for a while since no one had immediately helped you when you screamed for it. He just laughed at your attempt before he was able to stop your struggle of getting away from him when he engulfed you in a tight hug that seemed to scream out that he had missed you and he probably did, but you knew it was no innocent gesture, especially when you had remembered how angry he was the last you saw before you had successfully left him.

"Do you want to hear some familiar names of your friends or loved ones on the news? With them being dead or something? Or perhaps you wanted to get straight to the point and have an invitation for their funerals?" He threatened and was satisfied when he had finally caught your attention that also made you stop your attempts of getting freed from his grasp.

Not being able to control himself, he releases a fit of crazed laughter as he reminisces and shares to you the times when you had thought that you are safe from him and you had felt dread from his narration. It looks like you had the wrong guess all along and because of the wrong decision that you had made along with it, you are back again with what you had experience years ago, only this time, you are fearfully sure that you won't be able to escape his love for you.

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