(Akabane Karma) Forced Reliance

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Warnings: Manipulation, isolation, and violence, possessive, and obsessive behaviors.

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Pressing the end button of the call, you heavily sighed before placing your phone on the table with more force than intended. You hoped that no damage was done, remaining to be immersed with the stress of experiencing many negatives all at once. Not so neatly laid out in front of you are many documents ranging from electricity bills, water bills, and other papers that document the debt you contracted to plenty of people. What added more to your problems was the prior phone call. Despite the effort left, it deemed to not have been enough for your boss. Here you are now, trying not to breakdown after losing one job and another that barely sustained you.

Despite the combination of your salaries just enough to provide you properly, the hint of dissatisfaction remains. Realizing your situation now, you really had no right to complain as it had been much better than to be in your current state. How much more now that you have no source to acquire your financial needs. Along with your frustration and irritation with the numerous curses that suddenly hit you all at once out of nowhere, you are also angered after knowing the possible cause of this tragic part of your life. You now understood how grave his threat really is, not beating around the bush and relaying a message that he meant business.

You contemplate about contacting him as your gaze unconsciously wanders off to the calling card that remains in pristine condition after all the time that he forced you to keep it. Compared to the subtly crumpled papers as a proof of you acting out on your emotions earlier, it seemed to call out to you with how it easily presented its glory compared to the other unpleasant looking items. It would seem that the thought of him already lingered on your mind from the start of your misery, progressing further with how it only gets worse. You frowned after assuming that he might see your situation amusing as he seemed to already knew about what would happen.

Knowing him, you only concluded that this is all just a part of his greater scheme. His real objective is not that unfamiliar to you, not when he makes it clear multiple times already whenever you would begrudgingly be within his presence. He loves you more than he had ever felt in his entire life. He portrays how rare the scenario was with how controlling and possessive he had been when you had given him a chance. Feeling suffocated with his advances, you decided to end it sooner rather than deal with the consequences. Unfortunately, he remains persistent with wanting you. He makes his threat about you regretting it real enough as you sigh.

Cursing him for putting your through this unpleasant experience and for not letting you go still, you grabbed ahold of your phone with a quick swipe of your hand. Glaring at the calling card for a moment, you scoffed before grumbling your displeasure while lazily gripping it as if its something disgusting. Checking if you can make a call, you are left feeling conflicted with feeling relieved or not. With a few clicks to enter his personal number, you intensely observed how your finger shakily hovered above the green call button. Closing your eyes while hoping that you will not regret your decision that really left you no choice in your predicament, you finally clicked it.

The few rings that resonated through your somber apartment accelerated your heartbeat, causing your nerves to also spike up as you await his response to your sudden call. Though knowing him, he might have been lookin forward to this moment. You were proven correct when the person on the other end only smiled in delight after seeing the rarest call of his life, gazing at your endearing name he decided to rename your contact with before finally having enough to make you wait. Accepting the call, he releases a devious chuckle that made you almost end the call. You calm yourself with a quick heavy exhale, performing some actions of your nervousness.

Confident with knowing what your request may have been, Karma secures his phone on its respective holder after he gets inside his car, starting the journey to your apartment. "Ah, my dearest Y/N... I was wondering how long will it take until you finally initiate something. Quite a surprise, actually."

"Akabane... You scheming bastard... You're enjoying this, aren't you?!" You almost screamed out in frustration while unconsciously standing up and pacing about in your small dining area, tightly gripping some of your documents that reminded you of your unpaid bills that he indirectly caused.

Karma only hummed in recognition of his efforts that finally bore fruit, lightly smirking to himself as he carefully drives through the highway. With your location in mind as he had secretly followed you countless of times and have been surveying the area during his free time, it would have been an easy travel if not of the building traffic at an intersection. His eagerness and excitement upon finally receiving your call subtly diminished at your hostility, finding it unpleasant and unbecoming of you. He's certain that you are in no place to direct him with such, but he remains to be patient with you and only decided to remind you with a bit of a warning.  

Clicking his tongue in annoyance both caused by the traffic and your unpleasant welcome to him, his tone remains his relaxed one with a subtle hint of threat as he glares at the vehicles in front of him. "Watch your mouth, darling. Wouldn't want you to face something more drastic, hm? So, what are you calling me for?"

"You already know! It's what you wanted all this time, right? I'm surrendering myself, okay?" Your stubbornness and fire nearly died down at the end of your statements, forcing your reluctance away and being a bit desperate since you know this situation of yours would remain as it is if you won't give in to his desires.

Hearing your indirect acceptance to be his once more, which he intended to be the last one, he was ecstatic. Despite this, he can still feel your burning flame of opposition from you hidden somewhere. To ensure that you would completely realize that you need to depend on him, he decided to tease you for a bit longer. He had been patient enough to wait until you would go back to him on your own accord, ignoring a bit of tampering in your life for that to happen. As a means of a small punishment to make him wait though, he decided to prolong your suffering, but just a bit more. He is not known as a sadist if he would easily give in to you as well, after all.

Despite being equally desperate to have you on his grasp once more, Karma lightly sighed after finally moving through the road, deciding to play with you a bit. "Hm... Not enough. Show me how desperate you really are just like how I was. But unlike you, I may be merciful and would not immediately reject you."

"Please... Help me. I have no one else, but you... Though you did intend for this to happen. You won, okay? Just please, I've had enough of your game..." Your voice lowered in volume along with your hesitance, almost a whisper but it was still enough to be heard by him as you hoped he would not perform this game a minute longer.

Finding a bit of sincerity that he had been searching for throughout your now genuine plea, Karma only smiles even without you seeing before softly reassuring you without asking your consent of his unannounced visit. "I'll be there soon, my love... Prepare yourself. I'll be taking you out for dinner once I arrive."

He did not intend to end the call quite abruptly so, but his returned eagerness caused him to do just that. In his mind, he thinks what could be much better than to just immediately see you in person after all the months of separation as he accelerates further while remaining to be careful in driving. You were surprised when his tone seemed to be gentler and loving that almost made you melt. After he ended the call and during his travel, you begrudgingly chose a decent set of clothing enough to hopefully satisfy him. Not even ten minutes later and just enough for you to change your clothes, you lightly jolt in surprise after hearing a hurried knock on your door. 

Knowing who it was, you immediately approach it before slowly opening it to let him in, lest you face something unpleasant. You shakily release a breath you've been unknowingly holding in, stuttering a greeting to him. Feeling overwhelmed to bask in your presence, Karma carefully cups your cheeks before initiating a gentle kiss, securing a hold on your waist to stop any resistance from you. It seems that he didn't need to when you're surprised enough to not do anything before he finally lets go after giving you one last peck on your lips. You were flustered as you realized that you had been unconsciously gripping his shirt before he lightly laughs.

"Right... I almost got carried away. Patience, right? I've waited long enough, I can wait for more... A bit. Shall we? Please, enjoy the night with me, Y/N..." He solemnly pleaded that almost got quite the reaction from you, if not from your mind reminding you that he was the one that started all of your misery as a means of a forced reliance to him.

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