(Five Virtuosos) May The Best Man Win

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Warnings: Possessive and competitive behaviors, and mentions of death and killing. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Why am I here again?" You asked the question directly given to the five known smartest students in your school and are also some sort of acquaintance to you with how much they have been wanting to hang out with you lately.

Even though some might've already assumed that you're already one of them with the way you bond with the five, you still don't want to closely associate yourself with them. Especially when you had recently started to feel and witness the proof of wrath and jealousy of some of their fans which had luckily stopped one day and you were relieved to know that they had enough of trying to annoy you which you're quite successful in ignoring.

Focusing back on the present and a few minutes earlier, you were just minding your own business and doing some activities you regularly do during the weekend and just trying to relax from the quite stressful school days when you were informed of a formally clothed man looking for you and once you inquired what was his objective, you were told of a special occasion being held by the school and after a some minutes of mentally grumbling about how your work free weekend should have been, you followed the man when you are decently clothed than just wearing your pyjamas and silently had your journey to the destination.

Arriving at the entrance of the school, you were led by the same man towards the school field where you were warmly greeted by the five. You returned one back, but getting confused by the second and so, that's when you asked. You let your gaze wander around and was curious when nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You're not quite sure with their behavior, though.

You snap out of your guessing phase when both Ren and Araki excitedly exclaim, though they are also quite nervous about what will happen later on. "You're a very special guest for today's event!"

"And...? What's this event all about anyway? This better be good." You muttered in mild annoyance, but also curious while you glance back at them again.

Hearing your inquiries made them all hyped up and also motivated to win each and every competition that they had agreed upon to know who really is the person that's righteous for you.

Araki adjusts his glasses with an index finger with the sunlight shining the lenses for a second as he confidently smirks while he answers. "It's good alright. It'll help you choose between all of us."

Natsuhiko was the one who spoke next after he releases a chuckle. "Assuming that you're not that oblivious, you're probably aware of the feelings we feel towards you."

He was straightforward with his statement that made Ren sweat drop before he regains his calm composure as he proceeded to stand beside you while putting a reassuring hand on your shoulder, smiling before he spoke. "Special feelings, I may add."

You blink, hiding the surprise before you mask it behind a faux sorrow as you inquire. "You... secretly hate me? I don't really know how to respond to that..."

"We immensely love you. That's the special feeling we're referring to..." Gakushu cuts you off, crossing his arms across his chest while giving a proud smirk when he noticed your flustered state.

You immediately changed into a nonchalant one as you shrug before responding. "I know and I was just joking."

Gakushu just hums, gesturing a two with both his index and middle fingers raised as he informs you. "Before we proceed with the event, which is just a simple competition between us, you have the privilege to make two rules."

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