(Shiota Nagisa) Unneeded Protection

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Warnings: Mentions of death and murder, overprotective and possessive behaviors, and imprisonment. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The moonlight gently lights up the path for the two figures currently trying to make haste of their escape from having a successful mission, being of little use since they had been trained to easily move in the dark. Though it's an unfortunate situation for theirs to have the loyal bodyguards of their targets having enough perseverance and stamina to try to catch them, clearly angered through the series of bullets that occasionally try to hit their targets, but missed. With increased agility and speed, the two easily danced along the bullets, avoiding getting hit while continuing their escape into the night.

What they hadn't expected is a secret supporting agent for the assassins' target, hidden in plain sight and preparing to make an aim once any of the assassins will be nearby. Caused by ensuring that none of the guards are tracking you two down, Nagisa lets himself fall a bit behind, keeping an eye to his surroundings and quickly stopping the pursuit of the remaining guards with quite ease. Quite ironically, he did it to protect you from any harm, but unfortunately, it had befallen you still in an unexpected moment for the both of you. Reaching just the corner of the street where your vehicle was parked, it happened.

The sound of the bullet whizzing towards you caught your attention, causing you to immediately glance towards it along with your body instinctively trying to avoid it, but the sniper already anticipated it before immediately shooting another bullet in your new position. Though luckily, the accuracy was incomplete as instead of bringing you instant death with one bullet, it landed on your abdomen that still undeniably caused you pain. Your footing faltered, causing you to lean on a building while trying to hide from the open area where the sniper surely awaits to finish you off as you waited for your partner.

After listening to the series of screams and groans probably coming from the guards that had been chasing you two to have finally reached an end that made way to silence, you heard Nagisa calling you that made you immediately inform him of the sniper along with indicating your location through it. Nagisa lets himself be aware of any other presence around the area, but noticed nothing that made him conclude that the sniper had already left. Being angered with his carelessness, Nagisa kicks a trash bag within the same alleyway you are in as you only chuckled with his out of character behavior.

You soon released a sharp gasp after putting quite the pressure on your abdomen during your laugh that immediately made Nagisa approach your form.

You've easily felt the warm blood trickle from its source and through your clothing as your palm trying to block it from doing further damage also felt the liquid. "It's already bleeding too much. I'm getting rusty, aren't I?"

Just as you were about to make another lighthearted remark about your situation, Nagisa scolds you before you could do so as he subtly frowns in worry. "This is not the right time to joke around, Y/N! You're seriously injured! Can you walk still?"

You nodded in response to his question, proceeding to stand up properly while having a limp to the leg directly below your wound as it still managed to sting upon doing so. Nagisa carefully aids you, gently slinging your arm around his shoulder before carefully leading you to the vehicle that was luckily not disturbed during the encounter earlier. Getting you to be comfortable within your seat, Nagisa instantly drives off after ensuring that there won't be anyone suddenly disturbing your travel. Asking him about the destination, he responded with a simple answer of his place before continuing to speed up.

The drive was luckily not too long, the street being deserted that made it faster and easier to drive through as your partner once again helps you out in terms of having a journey inside his abode, acquiring another destination and objective in mind. Not wanting to annoy him further, you followed his instructions. Nagisa immediately tends to your wound, having all the necessary materials kept within his bathroom that's connected to his room. Any reason to be embarrassed thrown out of the window with how serious the situation still seemed to be that's reflected to the tenseness between you two until he's done.

Exiting the bathroom while closing the door as he did so, Nagisa proceeded to go inside a secret section of his room where his hidden weapons are being kept. Following his form with your gaze, you let yourself be comfortable on his bed as it would be risky for you to travel back to your own abode with a serious threat. You thought that he would prepare to retire for the night, but was proven otherwise once he steps out and seemed to be instead prepared to go somewhere.

Approaching your resting form, he easily cuffs one of your wrists to the bedpost while he mutters to himself. "Just for good measure."

You stared at him in disbelief, glancing at the handcuff before looking back at him with a subtle glare as a hint for him to let you go, but he ignores your concern, approaching the door as you exclaim. "Where are you going?! Take this handcuff off of me! You're not deciding anything that concerns me! You're just my partner in crime!"

Nagisa turns on his heel before glaring at you as he responds. "Your partner that really cares and loves you, so if you don't want to get on my bad side, Y/N. Stay put. It's not like it would be a difficult task for you considering your current state. I will be going now. There's someone that needs to die for hurting you."

This caused you not only to be angered, but to be worried with his supposed actions to hunt the sniper by himself. "You're not going anywhere without me! I will be fine! Just let it be!"

You tried to persuade him, but the only response you got was him leaving the room. You tried to free yourself from the handcuff, proving it to be useless when it remained stubborn from letting you reach your simple goal as your efforts caused another wave of pain to be emitted from the wound. The current situation you are in only caused you to be angered and irritated yourself as you are sure to give Nagisa a good scolding later on.

You unintentionally start to rip out an innocent pillow that you managed to grasp nearby, frustrated with the unneeded protection Nagisa had insisted. His protective nature was not of unfamiliarity for you, having experienced it subtly in the past, but this just seemed too much. You sighed before trying to comprehend his reason behind it. Not wanting for it to happen again, despite your reassurance that everything was still fine in the end, Nagisa clearly decided to lock you up and protect you from any danger that you deemed not necessary since being danger had been your living, but it would be a challenge to change his mind.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt