(Reaper 1.0) Right Father's Love

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Warnings: Vague mention of death, and overprotective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Naturally waking up from the enough slumber that you had gained from the sudden shaking of the place your parents are working, your vision that is still quite blurry from just waking up had slowly turned clear and normal again after you softly rub your eyes and blink a few times. Your eyes slowly widen in surprise as you look around the room you are in after noticing that it's unfamiliar. The soft sunlight the manage to slip through the gaps in between the curtains that had partially covered the glass window to your left helped you in witnessing the wonderful things inside the room that immediately put a smile on your face. Giving one last pat on the soft blanket that covered most of your body, you slowly get out of the equally comfortable and fluffy bed.

You had already started to miss the comforts of the prior objects that had you had slept upon, but the other fluffy things inside the room looked quite promising, too. You were relieved to see that there's even a fluffy and cute inside slippers already placed on the floor beside the bed in which you gratefully slipped your foot on each, wiggling your toes along the cotton like surface that your feet had landed upon before you made your way to explore the room. A group of stuff toys that varies in different animals, colors, and sizes had immediately caught your attention and you instantly went to it first, plopping yourself on the giant stuffed toy that resulted in you almost being absorbed by its softness.

Looking to the other side of the room, your eyes light up with excitement when you noticed the different art materials fit for your age, neatly arranged on top of a table that was partnered up with a chair. You even caught sight of your favorite toy among the others that are being contained inside a chest at the end of your bed. You quickly went towards it, taking it with you as you skip along the carpeted floor and making your way to the table, deciding to let the time pass as you try to make a masterpiece of your own. You thoroughly enjoyed everything this room had brought you, but something had started to bug you. Where are you? The only thing that you could think of is that your parents had probably brought you here to enjoy yourself and they'll probably be back in no time.

With that thought in mind, you nod in determination of the reason that you had made to yourself of their temporary absence and continue on with finishing your artwork. Your fingers move along on its own as it colored the simple sketch that you had drawn, giving color to the two figures that was made by you. You smile as you saw the not so close resemblance of your friend on your drawing with you that seemed to be holding one of his hands. His squishy tentacles floating around the two of you with wide smiles drawn on both of your faces that caused you to miss him even more than your parents. Even though you've just met and interacted with him in a very small time you did compared to your parents, you couldn't help, but to feel much more comfortable, safe, and even loved by him.

"Squish..." You mumbled the nickname that you had made for him since you hadn't acquired his real name, letting your fingers trace and hover above the drawn figure of him.

The door of the room suddenly squeaked open as you instantly turn your head towards the sound, immediately engulfing the person who did so in a hug, in which he accepted graciously with open arms after kneeling down to be at the same height as yours.

"Squish!" You happily exclaimed that was followed by a joyous laugh that couldn't help the said person, but to also release a small one of his own.

He was very glad that you seem to be enjoying yourself and would only hope that you would be fine, even after he brings the sad news to you.

"Y/N, candy... I have something to tell you and it's very sad, but be brave, okay?" He whispers that was enough for you to hear thanks to the close proximity between the two of you.

He proceeded to gently rub your back to bring comfort and to prepare himself for any outburst and negative actions that you might do after hearing the news.

Taking a deep breath and softly exhaling afterwards, he finally starts to reveal to you while you are already playing with his hair and tentacles that had played back to you by wiggling around with you trying to catch them and them softly poking you back. "Your parents... They won't be back. They're gone, forever. But don't worry, I'll be here for you."

You pull back from the embrace as he prepares himself for you suddenly crying, comforting words already readying themselves to leave his lips to help you calm down, but he was instead greeted with something that he had quite unexpected for you, making him both surprised and relieved.

"So, does that mean you'll be my dad from now on? You're the best dad ever!" You cheered with your hands raised up in the air and a happy grin present on your face.

You lunge yourself forward to hug him again as he was luckily quick enough to catch you from your sudden action. You continue to list out any possible games that you could play with him, blabbering on and on that was caused by your excitement.

This time, it was his turn to pull away from the embrace first, gently holding both of your hand as he stared at you with your eyes reflecting giddiness and expectancy from him.

He slowly smiled, he proceeds to pat your head. "Candy, aren't you hungry, yet? You don't seem to be because of your energetic behavior, but I already prepared some lunch for the two of us."

You nod your head in enthusiasm, happily cheering again. "Yay! Yummy food!"

You sheepishly giggle when your stomach had also joined in with you, making some noise on its own. With a hand holding his own, the two of you exit the room and made your journey towards the dining room where the meals are already prepared.


"Your child is so adorable. Do you think it's fine to let my little Kuro play with... What's your name, cutie?" A kind looking woman takes a seat beside your new father, asking with a smile while looking at you after she glanced at him first for permission.

You and your new parent decided that it might be a good time to take a stroll in the park, not forgetting to hide his unique characteristics, and the two of you decided to take a small break of it and are currently occupying a bench in front of a playground where other children are already playing at and having fun.

Finding nothing wrong to answer the lady, you happily exclaim your answer. "Y/N!"

"Y/N? Do you want to play with Kuro? He's also with his friends and you're welcome to join them if you want to." She asks again while pointing to a group of kids peacefully playing within the sandbox while two of them are running around with one of them trying to catch the other.

Before you could give a positive answer, your father beats you to it. "Unfortunately, we need to go now so Y/N won't be able to play with them. Thank you for the invitation and it was nice meeting you, but I guess this will be a goodbye."

"Y/N, don't talk to strangers, okay? Not all of them are kind. Be careful next time, okay?" He gently scolds you after being away at the right distance from the woman while the two of you make your way back to the house again.

You were confused, but agreed nonetheless. "Okay! But she seems kind and I also wanted to play with the other kids. They seem to be having fun! Why can't I join them?"

The joy in your tone slightly depleting and he frowned because of this and decided to cheer you up while also diverting your attention away from the topic. "You already have some toys in your room. Do you still want more? And besides, you already have me to play with you. We'll start playing the games you have in your imaginary list when we get home, okay?"

Still innocent and not quite understanding his other intention of not wanting you to associate with the others as he thinks that it's for your own safety, you found nothing wrong with it and decided to obey his reminders. You happily nod in agreement to whatever he had stated that made him relieved. It's a few steps away with him being a father now, but it all starts with something and that is to give you the right father's love.

Absurdity (Yandere Assassination Classroom Characters x Reader Oneshots)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя