(Kataoka Meg) Dear Best Friend, I Love You

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Warnings: Overprotective behavior and slight jealousy and possessiveness. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The day starts off as a normal and usual one with the class attempting to assassinate their one of a kind teacher, but failed to do so and with you planning to spend the lunch time with your childhood slash best friend of yours which is none other than the female class representative, Meg Kataoka herself. You seem to light up as you cheerfully wave at Kataoka who is making her way towards your desk, daydreaming about the first time the two of you had met.

Your parents are having their high school reunion party at a park with a playground for their kids to also have some fun time together, but you are an exception as you look at the different groups of children already playing with their own. You were left out and so, you decided to just play by yourself and start to make an attempt at making a daisy chain. You accidentally let out a small sneeze when the thin, white petals tickled on your nose.

You had a small frown as you huff in annoyance when you failed in making a chain again as the stem got bent and that was your final attempt. Noticing a shadow covering your seated form, you look up to see a girl around your age. She gives a smile of encouragement to you as she puts her own daisy chain on top of your head. Her lime hues gleam in delight when you returned her smile as the both of you continue on to making daisy chains with her as your teacher and that was also the start of a prolong friendship.

Someone calls out to Meg that made her snap out of her thoughts as she looks at the approaching male that was also a known pervert of the class. "Maehara-kun and Isogai-kun have a bond made of steel. I wonder when will it finally break? Do you think they'll fight over a girl? I heard them talking about it earlier."

Okajima wiggles like a worm with hearts surrounding him as Kataoka just ignores him and continues with her way. Arriving at your desk, the two of you go to a certain spot on the satellite campus where it is known for the two of you to have lunch at. Having a small chatter about some certain things, the two of you start to eat your lunch while enjoying each others presence. The moment of serenity between the two of you was cut short, though when Kayano runs towards you two, stabilizing her breathing once she arrives in front of you two.

"Kataoka-san! L/N-san! Isogai-kun and Maehara-kun got into a fight!" Kayano exclaimed once she regained her breathing and luckily, both you and Kataoka are already done with your lunch.

You give a nod at your best friend, standing up while carrying both of your lunch boxes as you inform her. "You go first, Meg-chan. I'll just inform Koro-sensei about it and while I'm at it, I'll return your lunchbox inside, too."

And with that, you rushed towards your octopus teacher while Kayano and Kataoka went back to the boys to try to stop them since it is a responsibility for Kataoka to be second in command after their class president who happened to be in the trouble himself. After a few moments when the commotion finally died down and both you and Koro-sensei arrived and help to extinguish the fire and heat of it all, the boys start to explain how it had happened.

It turned out that a certain sadistic classmate of yours was the one behind the game that caused the ruckus. The game was about two players in which the other one needs to make the opponent lose their cool. The reward for the winner is that he will have the chance to know someone one of the boys might like and the boys can't back out of it or lie about it either. It went on until it was Maehara and Isogai's turn as the both of them joined just for fun.

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