(Akabane Karma) Entertainment

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Warnings: Manipulation, captivity, violence, mentions of stalking and death, possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


With each passing minute, the night grows deeper that brings along the dangers that are being awakened by the environment that would be easy for them to find possible victims. Even though numerous reports of missing individuals that had their states remaining to be unknown by the police, the company you work for didn't seem to care enough for the safety of their employees. With a mild headache and want to just head home immediately, but still being aware that it would be a difficult travel at this time, especially when you and your colleagues are about to depart with one another, you sighed before giving your farewell to them all. 

When you thought that you are alone while waiting at the bus stop that would clearly take a while for you to find a ride, you heard a rustle from a nearby alley. Before hearing the noise as you cautiously glance at the area through the corner of your eyes, you could feel someone eyeing from the same location. Panicking would do you no good as you let yourself calm down from the possible terrible situation you are about to face. You've observed that this stalker of yours had been tailing you for a while now, even having the guts to follow and view you within your own abode as such thought only drives your motivation to just end this now.

Wanting to lure the stalker, you make yourself vulnerable, feigning tiredness to give the idea that they would be able to get closer to you than ever. It would seem that they are also desperate to finally be near you, casually taking a seat next to you that is luckily still a distance away as you force yourself to stay put. Remaining to act naturally, you hide your yawn before casting him a curious gaze, surprised to see golden eyes meeting your own. He instantly feels elated once acquiring your attention after all these weeks just looking at you from afar, giving you a friendly smile as you returned his gesture of hospitality with a subtle nod.

Wanting to remove the silence, he clears his throat while gazing forward to not cause you any discomfort or wariness before he initiates a friendly conversation. "Are you about to go home? Needed some company? It's too dangerous to be outside at this time, you know?"

You tried to hide your grin, knowing full well that the one that is currently trapped would not be you, but him as you are a step away from starting your planned punishment for him with making you uncomfortable as you made a comment. "I know. Is it your habit? To follow someone without them knowing? It's creepy."

"I-I don't know what you're saying." He meekly replied in return, avoiding your gaze as it was clear that he's getting disturbed in return of your knowledge with what he had been doing, expressing his nervousness through sweating and playing with his fingers.

You only remained silent, pursing your lips as you unconsciously glance around the area while trying to find an escape route. The grip on your belongings became prominent as your figure presents that it is aware of the danger just right near you. Your companion immediately senses that you are about to make a dash for it, instantly taking action when he suddenly lunges at you right from his position. You remain to be composed with his action, waiting for him to grab a hold of you that wasn't able to happen. Complimenting your partner in crime that he just arrived just in time, you smiled upon seeing the more beautiful golden hues staring at you.

The stalker became confused by the sudden interruption when he finds himself pinned on an area that's considered the middle part of the bench, a distance away from his prior position with an unknown man forcefully hits his back against the bench's own. He tries to retaliate, trying to get a punch, but it was easily evaded. He tries to attack through kneeing an area that would be vulnerable enough, only getting blocked before Karma easily makes him unconscious with a single heavy strike of a punch on the stalker's cheek. Much skilled and having the element of surprise, the newly arrived individual had the upper hand in the sudden fight. 

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