(Akabane Karma) Angel Set Free

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Requested by: luna_uchiha_raizel
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Small hint of jealousy, slight overprotective and possessive behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You wondered where Rikine had gone off to, seeing as you didn't notice him in any of your classes since last week. Is he back to being his cowardly self that he's hiding from you? Oh well, it's not like you care about him. In fact, you'll start forgetting that he even existed and you start that off by focusing on your class. With Gakushu being your brother along with being the Principal's daughter, most of the school is already expecting for your great performance in terms of academics and other fields where your brother is also a master of it.

"Asano-san? Would you please answer this question?" You look up and snap out of your daydreaming about the possibilities of what had happened to your former boyfriend.

Even though you really wanted to finally forget all about him, you were having a difficulty in doing so, but it made you slightly thankful with your studies at it distracted you from your heartbreak. You gazed at the problem written on the whiteboard that might seem a bit gibberish with all the letters and numbers mixed in.

Luckily, with you studying most of the times and also hanging out with either your brother or father during your spare time, you understand the problem and confidently walked to the front with your marker at the ready. And in just a snap of a finger, you were done writing your solution to the problem as you explained it to the class on how you got it with your classmates thanking you in return as they were still quite confused with the lesson with how fast their teacher on teaching it. Your teacher also thanked you, dismissing you as he did so since he deemed you had already mastered the lesson.

With free time for the next period given to you, since he handles two periods for the same subject, and lunch next, you decided to get some fresh air and explore the school since you weren't able to do it for the past few days because of your still sour mood about something. Stepping outside without even bidding a goodbye to the others, since you really don't have any friends that much as you were not in the mood to do so, you start to walk towards where your feet may lead you to.

The wind slightly ruffles the foliage of the trees on either of your sides with the sunlight touching your exposed skin, just enough warmth to lighten your mood a bit as you were distracted with the beautiful nature around you. Looking behind, you saw that you were already drifting away from the main campus that made you wonder how did you even get here? You were too lost in your thoughts again, but the serenity of the area gave you time to clear your head as you decided to stay here for a bit.

Gazing around your newly visited area, it seemed to be a mountain where the path your trekking from leads to somewhere in which you decided to explore next time as the travel from your room towards where you are is already exhausting. Taking shelter from the sun's rays that had started to get too warm for your liking, you sit under one of the trees and lean on the trunk, sighing and resumes back to spacing out while you unknowingly clutch the area of your uniform where your heart is.

Your eyes that were glazed with sadness scanned the area again as you notice a red splotch among the greenery. You slowly and cautiously approached the color and sees that the red came from the color of the boy's hair, who is lying down on the grassy ground with multiple cuts and bruises visible on his arm and some on his face as you also noticed a black blazer placed beside him which left him with the white polo shirt of the school uniform for males.

Concern looms over you for his beaten up form, even though you had just met him, you couldn't help, but to offer any assistance to patch up his wounds and bruises. Hearing a sudden swoosh behind you and feeling a wind brushing past, you look behind to see a first aid kit magically appearing. This made you relieved as you are finally being able to help the injured boy. Slowly approaching the boy, you placed the kit beside you as you kneel beside his form as he still asleep.

You easily dodged the incoming punch he throws your way, apologizing for startling him that made him curious, confused, and intrigued at you. Why were you not scared of him? Do you not know who he is? His questions were answered when you ramble on about how you wanted to help him and you asking for his name in which he gives to you, receiving a bright smile in return that made something strange stirring up inside of him.

You proceed to bandage him up, careful in treating his wounds as he just stared at you the whole time, changing his gaze every once in a while whenever you would look at him. Being quite disturbed by the silence, you asked him about how he had gotten such injuries as you finally finish treating him up, placing the excess first aid back inside the kit.

He smirks before answering, looking at your neatly bandaging skills applied to his arm. "You actually don't want to know what had happened to me."

"It's fine with me! I'm just glad that you're okay now. Just be careful next time, okay?" You grin, panicking a bit when you heard the bell rang as you are going to have lunch with your brother as you also don't want to be late for it.

You bid him goodbye, but before you could run back to the main campus, he stops you by gently gripping your wrist. "Can I have your phone number? I know it's sudden, but I also wanted to be your friend."

Karma gives a small grin, concealing the nervousness that he had felt in which he didn't even know why. You thought about it and decided to decline it, but he might be a genuinely good friend and help you through your moving on phase. You've finally decided to give it to him as you left afterwards after giving him again a bright smile that seemed to make his world stop.

As the days had slowly gone by, you and Karma had also got closer, sharing and talking about some things that the both of you had found that you both liked in common and he had even taken you out to eat twice and also once invited you on his own home and cooked for you in which you're very sure that he would pass as a chef.

Of course, your unusual behavior, where you would always ask permission to go somewhere and to hang out with that certain friend of yours, didn't go unnoticed by both your brother and father and this was those times. Both Gakuho and Gakushu looked at your retreating form.

"Gakushu, follow after Y/N and make sure that Y/N's safe." Gakuho orders his son as he soon takes his leave, back to his office he goes while Gakushu catches up on your still retreating form towards the park.

"I had also taken a liking to you, Karma-kun." A small blush coated your cheeks as you answered Karma's confession, unaware of your wide eyed brother, gazing in disbelief at the two of you in front of him.

Karma sees him through his peripheral vision as a smirk tugs his lips, glancing towards your brother as you were surprised at his presence. "So what is your response to all of this, big brother Gakushu? May I give a suggestion?"

Karma didn't let Gakushu answer as he strode towards him, leaning and whispering his suggestion. "How about let's forget any rivalry between us for the sake of your sister, hm? And besides, I doubt that you want to hurt her again by going through another heartbreak. Caused by her brother, no less. How tragic that would be, don't you think?"

"Fine, but if you do hurt her, you'll be facing my anger and things might get a bit bloody." Gakushu glares menacingly at him.

Karma only grins in delight before responding. "That consequence is quite tempting, but my love for Y/N is greater than that. I promise that I will be a good brother towards you."

"Why you...!" A tic mark appears on Gakushu's head as he grits his teeth in irritation, understanding what Karma had meant.

Karma ignores his agitation and faces towards you. "Y/N! Your brother approves of it!"

You breath a sigh of relief, making your way towards your brother before engulfing him in a hug, glad that it was okay for him.

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