(Asano Gakushu) Don't Mess With Me

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Warnings: Manipulation, jealousy, threat, obsessive, overprotective and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You wave a hand to the other members that are present inside the office room where the new student council held an election. You were just elected as the new vice president with the Principal's son as the president, who's just giving a polite smile at them along with the other new officers. Cheers and applause filled the room before it settled down, feeling excited and anticipating what changes would occur from having the new student council members. Each one of them starts to leave to go home since the class had also ended after the results of the election, leaving only Gakushu and you inside the room.

"Congratulations, Y/N. Not surprising, really. You were meant to lead by my side, after all." Gakushu lets a genuine smile tug his lips, quite proud that his beloved will lead by his side throughout the year, which means he'll also spend more time with you even though you are both going to be busy with the student council. 

"Not surprising for you as well. It's a pleasure to lead with you Mr. President." You face your boyfriend, placing both of your hands on top of each of his shoulders as he places his on your waist, firmly gripping it to silently express to you his admiration and pride.

"Likewise, my beloved Vice President." Gakushu replied before he starts to lean in, wanting to show you his affection now that you have your privacy, only to get irritated when the action is interrupted by someone showing his faux disturbed reaction. 

"Get a room you two, will you?" Ren shakes his head as he laughs slightly, hastily leaving afterwards while still finding his disturbance hilarious as he follows the other members of their group as a means to escape Gakushu's possible action towards him caused by his annoyance.

Startled by the sudden presence of your former companion, you observed the reaction Gakushu had, knowing that it undeniably dampens his mood, but since he considers Ren a friend and knows that you only belong to Gakushu, he lets Ren's disturbance slide. You only softly laughed upon seeing Gakushu glaring at the spot where Ren was standing earlier, deciding to show his irritation in that way than doing so in other quite horrific means that he might be able to do if it was any other person outside his friend group. His sour mood disappears when you kissed his cheek before he turns around to capture your lips instead.

"Let's go home, shall we?" Gakushu invited afterwards, holding your hand with his as the two of you start to walk towards the exit after gathering your stuff with him ensuring that you are comfortable and safe as long as you are with him as you found such actions of his endearing.

"We shall." You nod in agreement, remaining a fond smile on your face while you put a hand on his own that's already been placed around your waist before starting a conversation right after to let your minds ease off from any negativities brought by prior school activities.

You bid your goodbyes to your classmates that are left for cleaning duty once they returned after being off to somewhere as Gakushu only left a warning glare for them before he continues to guide you two. Instead of negatively viewing the school president's behavior, the unfortunate targets of his threat only saw his action as sweet and fully support his relationship with you. For Gakushu, he's in a better state when he's with you, seeing you as someone who could easily revive him just through your smile and even more when you shower him with affections and attention that he thoroughly believes he alone owns.

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