(Horibe Itona and Akabane Karma) Mystery Solved

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Warnings: Overprotective and possessive behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Moving forward and deeper within the cave with only your echoing steps and the clanking of your armor as the sounds that cut off the silence, you were soon greeted by a group of monsters that seemed to be easy enough to defeat. With that, you draw out your sword from its equally extravagant sheath, decorated with some jewels at the top and bottom while also having golden linings on its metal surface. The sword, still as sharp and shiny as ever that was being made with details to your liking, was also special for you, for it had been your companion whenever you were free to just be yourself and to wander off distant lands to face a new and exciting challenge with your adventures.

Its weight and size was right enough for you to easily wield it, slashing or cutting through different enemies that helps in gaining more of your strength and ability. Because of this, you had gained the title as a knight that defends any villages that you might came across from any bandit or even small level monsters that would attack whenever you're around and as the same as everytime, it was no luck to them with you stealing away each victory. But there was a news that spread throughout the kingdom where you came from, a news about an important object that might as well be a treasure not because of its importance, but because of the reward that it takes along with it.

Many had already tried to take the accessory that was owned by a princess in which she had unintentionally lost not long ago, failing because of its guardian. And speaking of, the guardian was none other than a mighty dragon that easily burned all equipment and making those individuals that try to seek for the accessory run back to where they came from, in which you will probably soon face to a battle where you could only hope for your victory. You resumed back to focusing on your current enemies, blocking your path as you are already halfway through the destination where the dragon and the accessory lies.

You take a stance, preparing your sword while mentally planning your attacks and possible defenses you might need to counter off before you finally launch your first offense, running off towards a kunudon with it's own weapon at the ready. Candy canes that each of them once held within their grasps had soon turned into broken pieces, falling to the floor each as they were distracted by consuming them before it touches the ground. You used this as your escape, wanting to be greeted with something more challenging and had found the battle boring.

Your running ceased when you felt the ground tremble in small quakes every now and then when you were finally a distance away from your former opponents. You soon prepared yourself while having an excited grin forming on your lips when you saw a massive robot that fits the cave that was being controlled by a kunudon with some others just marching along beneath it. Seeing that the challenge had increased its difficulty, you decided to give some more effort in fighting than earlier as the kunudons soon took off running towards you.

Their yells and quick paced footsteps echoing before some had finally reached you, immediately attacking you with a crowbar as their weapon. You dodged one, but was almost hit by the other before you were able to knock its weapon away. This was really the main reason why you became a knight. The challenge it takes along with it gives you chills of excitement and thrills, leaving you not getting bored, but only been greeted with something more interesting each mission you get.

Soon you were getting quite exhausted, but it was enough for you to defeat all of the kunudons that acted out as minions of some sort, leaving you alone with the robot. You sweat dropped when you noticed how it just seemed to watch the battle earlier on without even attacking you that would probably give them a chance of defeating you. Shrugging off, you jumped away when its hand suddenly elongated itself with its arms to try and catch you before it tries to kick you as well. You rolled away, quickly getting back up to avoid another incoming attack.

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