(Shiota Nagisa) My Angel

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Warnings: Overprotective and possessive behavior, manipulating, and killing. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Sunlight that managed to seep through the fluffy clouds moving along the air in the sky above had given light and glow to the people that had decided to spend some time at the park, most of them having delightful mood that matches the current warm weather. But a certain young fellow hadn't quite matched with the wondrous aura that surrounds him, continuing on to be succumb with the immense sadness and painful rejection that he had just encountered. Was it caused by a romance that he had given, but was unfortunately revealed that it was one sided only? Or perhaps something unfortunate happened to his job that had caused for his colleagues or even the principal of the school he's working with to reject his suggestion?

Whatever the reason was, the young man just continued to dwell with such negativity that had soon caused for it to be visibly shown. Fortunately, little park goers are just passing by him, silently respecting the privacy that they deemed he needs at the moment while also not judging him in some way. They just continue on with their own while leaving Nagisa to silently cry his heart out. The tears that easily slid down each of his cheeks after successfully escaping their prison felt nothing like just how light the liquid substance should be. It instead got unexpectedly heavy as he regretted the things that he should not have done in order to not experience the rejection.

Relief flooded within you once you had managed to notice a bench that you can finally rest yourself upon after hours of just walking around the park, getting distracted with the music you're currently listening through your headphones. Taking a brisk walk at the park didn't seem to be a bad idea for you, especially when you can also enjoy such magnificent music of your favorite artists while being satisfied with the calming scenery around you and with little people to interact with is just a bonus. Being too focused with just letting yourself take some rest, you didn't manage to notice that someone is already seated beside you with still some space in between.

Hearing someone softly humming beside him made Nagisa glance at you with his head still lowered and facing his open palms resting on his lap. Because of this, Nagisa immediately sniffled and wiped away the tears to compose himself. His actions and presence were now noticed by you, making you stop the music you're listening before putting down your headphones to just let it rest on top of your shoulders. Wanting to help him feel okay again, even if you're really not sure about what to do, you cleared your throat before waving sheepishly at your new companion.

"I'm not really good with comforting someone, especially a stranger, but perhaps the I could just search it up. By the way, I want to at least get acquainted with you. My name is Y/N. What's yours stranger?" You held out your hand for a handshake that made Nagisa abruptly accept it, quite nervous himself for how someone seemed to have just showed up during his vulnerable moment.

You smiled and it had unintentionally made him embarrassed with how messy he might have looked caused by his breakdown earlier compared to you. With just the right quantity of light that seemed to make you glow made him saw you as an angel of some sorts.

He got too busy just staring at you that he didn't feel your hand already slipped away from him as you resuming to speaking again snapped him out of his obvious staring, but you were focused with your phone to notice it.

"It says here that I just need to listen and focus with how you are feeling. I'm not sure if you're fine with revealing what happened to you, but it's really okay if you don't want to talk about it." Nagisa blinked with your suggestion before introducing himself, not really expecting for you to do what you had informed him that you will, thinking that you were just joking around, but it had caused him to let a smile in amusement form on his lips.

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