(E Class Students) The More The Merrier Part I

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Warnings: Slight mentions of deaths, murders, killers, slight bloody scenes, and over protective behavior. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


"Okay, everyone. Time for dinner." You announced for every cat to hear and seeming to understand what you had said, they made their response.

Choruses of meows and purrs resonated throughout the dining room as your army of cats, consisting of seven felines, go to their respective food bowls and starts to munch on the delicious food that you had bought for them. Noticing that one of your pets is missing when a certain food bowl wasn't touched by the others and specially by its owner, you start to wander through each room of your house while calling out the name of your cat.

Thinking that your cat might join the others or consume the dinner you prepared for later, you decided to eat your own after you went back to the dining room where your companions are almost finishing up their own food. Finishing up your dinner, you washed the plates and utensils you had used and also cleaned up the bowls of your cats. Some are currently still playing as they still had remaining energy to do so while the rest are already calling it a day, even though you knew that they might disturb you later when you are the one sleeping.

Still waiting for (cat's name) to finally show up, you start doing your homework and watched a movie while doing so. It was already midnight and there was still no sign of the missing feline being present in your house. Perhaps the cat might accidentally slip through an open window or a door leading outside when it was slightly ajar? Thinking that one of these might be the possibilities that leads to the same conclusion that your cat had gotten out of your house, you prepared your search.

Your (color) hoodie shielded you from the cold air of the night as the permanent crescent moon, stars, and streetlights illuminated your way through your neighborhood. You start to make your way towards the park as your cat might be there since (cat's name) likes to stay there longer than the others. Being a trained assassin of your class, you were not scared of any unfortunate danger that may greet you, but to be sure, you brought a pocket knife in case you need to defend yourself and your skills may not be enough for it.

Finally reaching the entrance of the park without a gate blocking the entrance, you proceed to enter and start to softly call out to your cat. Sighing in relief and gladness when a meow answers you as your gaze darts towards a fluffy form resting on one of the benches of the park as your search fortunately didn't take long. Scolding the cat as you picked (cat's name) up, the two of you start your journey back to your house.

Passing through an alleyway, you glanced towards it for a moment while still continuing on and noticed something quite peculiar. The people seemed familiar to you as they looked like your classmates that seemed to be beating up someone, but it's probably a hallucination, seeing as it's already getting close to one in the morning and you haven't gotten enough rest for the day that your mind may be playing some tricks on you.

"And that's how I got (cat's name) back. Really got me nervous and a bit scared when I thought that I may not find him, but luckily, I did." You tell the tale to your classmates later on during lunch break as they were eager to hear your story, intently listening to you while some are quite jealous of your cat as you are currently petting (cat's name), sleeping soundly on your lap while continue to purr.

"That was an amazing story! I'm glad that you found (cat's name)." Kurahashi cheerfully exclaimed as being an animal lover herself, she easily empathizes with you.

"You really do love cats, don't you, Y/N?" Nagisa asked, jotting something down on his notepad as you happily nod in agreement.

The class decided to spend the rest of their lunch time with you as they took turns to petting (cat's name) who didn't mind the attention and even seemed to enjoy it.

"I almost forgot, I need to buy some cat food since I'm almost out of it." You said as the others found this as a chance to get closer to you while also knowing you better.

And so, all of them suggested to accompany you to the pet store, though you were quite sad to say to them that only one or two can be your companions and you asked (your choice) if they are able to and they happily agreed. You apologized for the rest as they immediately accepted it and the rest of the class continues on.

"Bye everyone! See you tomorrow!" You waved a goodbye to the unfortunate individuals who weren't able to spend more time with you outside of school, but they returned your goodbyes and hoped for a safe trip to the three of you.

"Let's go?" You ask the two who seemed excited/calm/shy/etc. as they nod as an answer.

With one of them keeping up a conversation between the three of you, you finally reached the pet store after a few minutes. The bell rings once (one of your choice) opens the glass door for you to enter as the two followed after you. You went straight to the cat food section of the store while pushing a cart where (cat's name) is lightly snoring, not disturbed by the motion.

Getting all of the things that you need, you went to the cashier who was also the owner and starts to pay for your purchases, but you felt uncomfortable when they started to throw some rude comments at you as you were also confused as to why. Even if you wanted to talk back or cut them off, you decided to stay silent to not let the issue get bigger as maybe they just had a bad day, but your two companions wouldn't let this slip.

A week after that, you decided to visit the same pet store again to buy some things that you thought your cats might need. Stopping in front of the glass doors, you were surprised with how messy the store is. Blood splattered on some areas on the wall, floors, and even the ceiling, along with the other stuff inside partially or completely broken. A scream snaps you out of your dazed state that is probably filled with agony and fear.

You blinked and saw both the representatives of your class killing some animals as the others continue to wreck havoc inside. A headache racked through your brain as you thought that you might be hallucinating again. Probably from stress, not enough rest, or some other reason you couldn't currently think straight of? Deciding that your pets might not really need something after all, you went on your way home.

The next day, you went to the school as usual while bringing another pet of yours as the class had already knew that every day you would bring one and they are not surprised by it. Sliding the wooden door open towards your classroom, all of your classmates are already present and seemed to be huddled up and having a small meeting of some sorts.

One of them noticed that you had entered and makes their approach. "Is that (another cat's name)? So cute!"

You nod and let the others pet your cat while some started a conversation with you. You almost slipped up about the hallucinations that you are recently seeing, but luckily, you didn't. Looking through each of your classmates, you tried to think of the reasons why they would do the same things you had in your hallucinations, but didn't find anything. But what if those hallucinations are real and not what you really think they might just be?

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