(Karasuma Tadaomi, Jelavić Irina, and Koro-sensei) Meet The Class

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Requested by: Yumi_Lasagna1
Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Overprotective behavior, subtle threat and jealousy. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


You lightly jogged alongside Irina, unable to contain your excitement and anticipation for your first day of school. Both Koro-sensei and Karasuma had already gone to school minutes prior the two of you in order to prepare the class for your arrival and would like to make some reminders privately. Just like your brightened mood, it seems like the weather also reflects it, striking sunlight slipping through gaps in between the magnificent nature surrounding you two while journeying through the path that leads up to the satellite campus. Seeing you happy was also enough to let Irina know that she had made the right decision to let you be a part of the E Class.

You have already heard some stories about the students the class contains and it always left you in awe, wanting to befriend almost all of them or even just picking some that would always have your back. Even you have already known some information and tales the class holds, the way to let you be entertained and to not be distracted too much was for Irina to tell some stories again. All the while listening to her, it only made you excited and even giddy, mentally preparing the introduction that you had also practiced a few days prior perhaps just to make sure that you'll give a good first impression. Hearing the familiar and quite peculiar name from her made your thoughts mostly swirl around him.

Just by first hearing such odd name that really seemed out of the ordinary compared to the names of the other students, your interest was already caught. Not only that, but you subtly start to ask questions about him from Irina herself as she had already started to get quite suspicious of such behavior of yours, but shrugged it off by you just getting curious since you also ask about the other students. Got suspended just because he had defended a student from a senior? Also gotten in a couple fights in and out of campus, but still remained having a good intelligence that can match with the school's top student? And also the one who had first injured Koro-sensei? Yeah, you're pretty much interested about him.

Fortunately, you're still able to hear Irina's mumbling about her first arrival, continuing on to tell you about it before you finally let yourself focus completely, letting your mind drift away from the student you most want to meet. Arriving soon in front of the worn down, but still standing building, your wait had finally come to an end. Before going to the classroom itself, Irina had requested to go to the teacher's lounge first to put her things inside. To not let her be obvious, you agreed and waited patiently, scanning your gaze inside the room for the three of them only and saw both Karasuma and Koro-sensei's belongings are already placed where it's supposed to be. The room is quite small, but just enough for the three of them when you noticed.

It looks like the main school didn't really care about the condition of the E Class's secondary home. Even just getting inside the building, you had already felt the warmer temperature inside as your complete uniform just seem to be also the source of it. Walking through the hallway that leads to the classroom, you also witnessed the quite bad state of the floor as it creaked sometimes underneath you. Walls had cracks littering in some corners and even some of the windows have a missing piece on them, but at least it lets in fresh air that refreshed you from being warm. But of course, these conditions did not become a hindrance of your excitement that had soon resumed that was now partnered up with nervousness.

Irina came inside the room first, informing you that you may come in once she gestures for you to do so. The students got silent after they inquired a bunch of questions to the two who got in charge with making sure that you'll fit just right in and that the class will be acceptable for you. Greeting the class, Irina sweetly informs them of their new classmate before signalling that it's time for you to get inside. Releasing a small exhale to calm yourself, you walked inside with confidence with a small smile on your face. During your introduction, everyone's attention was all focused on you that had caused you to be nervous again, but remembering that everything was fine in the end made you feel relieved.

Before you went to your assigned seat after Karasuma told you about it, you had observed something that made your eyes widen in surprise before you furrow your brows in thought. Not directly going to your seat, you have made a detour before pointing out something.

"There's something wrong with this equation. This should be positive since multiplying both negative terms results to a positive." You exclaimed before asking Koro-sensei for a chalk that was within your grasp not a second later, changing the said error in the solution.

While you were at it, most of the students were in awe while others are teasing the student who had solved the math problem earlier on. Hearing such teasing remarks, Karma was annoyed, but easily covered it up with his infamous smirk. He stands up before making his way to where you are at.

"Oh, the teachers' favorite not only have the beauty, but also the brains. The last thing to know is whether or not you're fit to be here, in a class filled with trained assassins." He stated, intentionally underestimating you caused by his irritation as you faced him head on.

He slightly tilted his head to the side after noticing your silence, meeting your calm gaze with his own that seemed to be lit up with amusement from the natural light within the room. His facade, however, momentarily wavered after noticing you starting to smile before it finally turned to a grin.

Ignoring your heart beat that started to maximize its speed, may it be caused by being excited to have such competition or the fact that you are literally face to face with the person you had wanted to meet, you let out a chuckle. Flicking your hand to let an anti-sensei knife reveals itself that was hidden inside your sleeve, you instantly slice up a finger of your target without even looking at him. Koro-sensei shrieked before standing behind Irina as it was a mistake to be near you whenever you're in this certain mood.

"I think I am fit to be here. It would be sad for me in the end, but everything will still be fine." You exclaimed with determination, muttering a small apology to Koro-sensei while glancing at him with momentarily sadness.

Not really keen on having you immediately starting a fight and being too close with someone you had just met, Karasuma lets you drift apart from Karma with a hand on both of your shoulders. You raised a brow at Karma when you noticed him still staring at you in surprise before he lets his own amazement be hidden behind a small grin. You innocently smiled with your eyes closed, letting the yellow goo from your knife drip down completely from the fake weapon before keeping it inside your sleeve again. Meeting the class was fun, but meeting the one your interest had gotten as well as your attention as well, and perhaps both Koro-sensei and Karasuma's wariness, was much more amazing.

Already seeing some signs and feigning oblivious to it, Irina just kept calm, glancing occasionally at the two while she's at it while watching you and Karma bicker again after Karasuma had moved to stand in between her and Koro-sensei. You two had gradually agreed about something, letting you be remembered of having quite an unexpected meeting with him. Soon, some of your new classmates had begun to properly meet you themselves, letting the three adults be left out. Karasuma sighed before letting a small smile tug his lips with your development as Koro-sensei cheered in the background, both momentarily forgetting their concerns over you having some kind of romantic interest to a certain someone.

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