(Akabane Karma) Unwanted Attention

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Warnings: Overprotective behavior, mention of threat, and violence. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Your displeasure during grocery shopping caused by the large amount of shoppers within the establishment as well seemed to have been the second one of your most annoying situation list. Something unexpectedly happened during this certain shopping trip that easily made its way as the first one within the list. The occasional murmurs from the contemplating shoppers nearby was interrupted by a booming voice of a man that immediately made you groan of such annoying noise. Even distracting yourself from feigning inspection of the products in an aisle didn't hinder him from noticing your presence.

Hearing footsteps approaching your fauxed busy self, you hoped that the unknown man would just walk past right you after he had made some greeting of some sort. Internally groaning upon noticing him stopping by your right while checking out a product that was inverted, you mentally cursed your companion that decided to check out some spices nearby, going off on his own despite your suggestion for the two of you to go together instead. He insisted that he wouldn't take too long and before you could further persevere, his noticeable red hair was soon out of your vision when he turned to enter another aisle. 

It was clear that the man's motive was to get close to you, especially when you can literally feel his gaze burning on the side of your face. You only showed your annoyed features, hoping that it would be enough to send him a message to leave you alone, but he didn't seem to understand it well. Putting back the product that you had been using as a distraction, you proceeded to carefully leave, ignoring his inquiries.

He hastily places back the product he himself had been inspecting, obviously faking it with the absence of a shopping cart as well, before he followed your retreating figure. "Are you alone, cutie? Want me to help you?" 

You politely declined his offer, internally showing off your annoyance and frustration of his presence as he merely grinned at your discomfort. He kept initiating a conversation, following you until you have reached the end of the aisle while being on a lookout for your former companion in which you hoped would arrive for the two of you to leave immediately. You ignored the looming presence beside you as the individual blabbered about how his day was and how lucky he was to have seen you. Despite the obvious disinterest you have with an arrogant individual, he kept on pursuing your attention. 

Feeling him getting too close for your comfort, you took a step back and another before glaring at him after dropping your polite persona, but it only seemed to fuel his advances. You instantly let your shopping cart get in between you two, creating a needed distance. Just in time for his arrival and immediately noticing your discomfort, Karma comes to the rescue while giving a small threat to the annoying pest. Seeing that he remained, Karma shoves him as a warning not to continue. He only laughed at Karma's actions and words, returning it with a shove of his own that caused for a physical fight to break out. 

Some of the products shook when the man's figure collided with the stand with Karma gripping the collar of his shirt. The man didn't back down, grinning before kneeing Karma in the stomach. Karma only smirked in return, not affected by the attack in the slightest before delivering a punch in the man's face that was immediately followed by a kick to his stomach. You contemplated whether or not to stop Karma from further assaulting the stranger, but knowing his tendencies along with his sadistic trait, you were no match against his determination as he continued his assault to the unfortunate man. 

Noticing some fellow shoppers slowly making their approach to probably gossip about the situation to one another and only watching the scenario, you've put on a fragile persona. Your figure trembled carefully as you worriedly gazed at your companion, internally cheering him on when noticing that he maintained having the upper hand. You called his name in concern, informing the others to help you two. Some immediately helped, stopping the two from further fighting as you gently held Karma against your own, embracing him while exclaiming your words of relief and almost in tears to gain sympathy.

Being fooled by your acting, the two of you soon escaped the situation after informing the crowd that Karma is only defending the two of you in which they immediately accepted before throwing nasty glares at the man. Some of the staff apologized for letting it happen without making an intervention as you immediately told them that everything was all good. Thanking you for your kindness and apologizing to Karma, they soon left you to make sure that everything will be fine for the other shoppers and for the man to be arrested to never make another disturbance that either could be the same or worse. 

You two immediately paid for the products that you are buying in the first place, receiving gazes of sympathy from the others that you returned with a small smile. Once you were out of earshot from anyone, Karma snickered before releasing a laugh after realizing that if it wouldn't for your acting earlier, then the two of you would remain being questioned and judged inside the store.

Glancing at you, he smirked before placing an arm around your shoulder before somewhat making a compliment, undeniably proud with what you had accomplished. "Didn't know that you're quite good in acting, Y/N. Pretty handy, if you ask me." 

"The situation probably wouldn't have happened if you just let me accompany you wherever you had gone off. Here I thought you hated leaving me alone and if I wouldn't be playing such act, then we would have taken too long. We would have been interrogated by the guards or something. Plus, I could've handled the situation, you know?" You ended with your arms crossed across your chest, keeping your frowning gaze in front of you as your hidden annoyance of what had happened remained, making your tone reveal a hint of your emotion as you answered with a frown, pinning the blame on him unknowingly.

"Aw, are you annoyed that I left? I won't be leaving your side for quite some time to make up for it. And yeah, you definitely handled the situation quite well. Just thinking what could have happened if I wouldn't be there in time makes me want to wring his neck until he can't breath." Karma held a smile on his face, but you can almost see the darkened aura seeping from his figure.

Shuddering when he suddenly grinned after seeing you glancing at him, you understood some of his motives as you responded. "No, thank you. I still want my privacy. Just don't leave alone so suddenly when we're in public, else it would happen again."

Karma only hummed in agreement, proceeding to carefully intertwine his unoccupied hand with yours as the other is currently holding the shopping bag that he insisted to carry after moving his arm from being on your shoulder. You let him do so, knowing that it's part of his apology with leaving you earlier. The unwanted attention that you two had experienced greatly made him realize how he needed to be more careful. Mentally scolding himself for being reckless by leaving you, you felt his grip unknowingly tightening as well. Gently rubbing your thumb at the back of his hand, he glances at you before returning your gesture.

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