(Isogai Yuma) Bottled Up

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Warnings: Jealousy, mentions of killing, bloody scenes, and death, possessive and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time to check out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


As you pass by through the mostly closed establishments, the cold air of the night starts to make itself be known that made you be at least warmed up by your jacket. Just a few more walks and you would finally arrive to your shared apartment and with the thought of your lover preparing some dinner before your arrival caused you to be determined to progress through your journey despite the quite tiresome state of your day. Seeing the familiar structure of your apartment, you immediately traverse through the right door where you're expecting someone waiting eagerly for your arrival and might give you some warm greeting.

The hallway is unsurprisingly silent, except for the occasional muffled meows or barks of some pets living with your flatmates or even some noises coming from the remaining playing television despite the owners being heavily asleep already. Remembering that your own companion might be busy with watching some shows while waiting, you immediately jogged towards your apartment door when it was close enough. Gently puffing out some air as you exhale before carefully inhaling, you let the door be easily unlocked with just a twist of the doorknob, jovially greeting whoever was inside.

Stepping inside fully, you let the door close behind you with a soft click. Knowing that it's also close for the time that you would need to take some rest and knowing that there won't be any unnecessary errands through the deep night, you locked the door as a means of clear security. Unbeknownst to you, the danger had already been inside with you all along. You place the key inside your bag before putting the latter item on a small table nearby the door, also taking off your jacket and shoes before placing it to its respective location right beside the table. Walking towards the living room, you call out the name of your lover.

You were somewhat confused upon receiving no response, certain that you're not alone since you had received information through a message from your lover waiting for you to come home. Nearing the kitchen, you almost feel the remnants of your past meal swirling within your stomach and threatening to release itself. The reason behind you almost throwing up was the sudden unpleasant and disgusting smell as you desperately try to cover up from smelling such stench with a tightened covering on your nose by your hand. Immediately getting concerned, you ignored the possible danger before dashing towards the dining room.

The said location was just a room behind the kitchen, having a hunch that the source of such unpleasant smell was coming from it when you noticed that the kitchen is absent of any presence. You slowly and silently tiptoed towards the entrance of the dining room, taking a peek after hiding behind a cabinet to see some scarlet stains already painting some of the walls and other cabinets. Temporarily ridding of your fear, you went back to grab your phone and any possible weapon. It seemed that the unknown figure was too focused with such horrendous activity that he wasn't able to properly hear your arrival yet.

Isogai understood many reasons behind you rejecting him, but he continued to persevere until he finally had enough of it after knowing that you had someone you found to be your significant other. Though it seemed that despite knowing this, he remained unaccepting of the truth and was overwhelmed. In his view, you led him on, despite the many times you had reminded him that the actions that you returned to him were purely non romantic, as it was clear that he had gone delusional all about it and thought that your admiration towards your current lover caused the relationship between you two to be hindered.

Through his own labored breathing are the pained gasps of air from his unfortunate target. Despite hearing the front door opening and footsteps approaching with a certain in mind being the source of it, he continued with his mind remaining muddled with his own delusional thoughts and reasons to make it as a surprise to you. It was clear that he had been too deep within the realms of maddened love. Your significant other only mumbled your name weakly that fueled Isogai to land another additional wound on their collar where multiple slashes already littered on their once undisturbed skin.

Isogai suddenly groaned, feeling something heavy colliding on his back before he became alert of your presence. You had already contacted anyone that could possibly help and assist with your situation, hoping to buy them some time before they could make needed actions or even making their arrival. Resuming the right grip on the stool, you prepared to swing it again to the familiar friend of yours, ignoring your guilt after reminding yourself that your lover is close to being killed because of his doing. Isogai huffed after managing to catch the leg of the object, slightly causing his wrist to be twisted.

He glared at you, annoyed, but decided to be forgiving and assumed that you had only reacted quite poorly since it really would be a shocking moment for you to discover such situation. He ignored the pain, kicking you in the back of your knee that made you kneel when he suddenly appeared beside you. Putting your hands on the floor caused you to feel the still warm blood, making you almost slip as you screamed out your agony. Before you could resume trying to fight off Isogai, he had you tied up completely in the same way as your lover was, though you remained seated on the cold and blood covered floor.

He takes out his jealousy and anger through letting you see his masterpiece by hurting your lover while slowly letting his mind be filled with crazed thoughts about the future of the two of you. With one final message of their love, their life was stolen by Isogai with a final cut on their neck that led to blood loss as Isogai felt almost satisfied. You continued to try to free yourself, wiggling violently through the tight strips of clothing, stopping your arms and legs from properly moving. Along with such violent movements are your desperate pleas and cries through another piece of clothing being forced to muffle your voice.

As you slowly start to be dragged into nothingness, you made a realization. Such situation made you realize that emotions should not be bottled up, else it would result in something uncontrollable by the one who feels immense feelings to happen. Giving one final hateful glare at Isogai with what he had done that undeniably shocked you as you never expected such kind and caring individual to even hurt a fly, you can only hope that the odds would possibly be in your favor later on, though it would seem that you had underestimated his immense want and possibly even need to be with you always and to be yours.

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