(Rio Nakamura) Teddy Bear

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Warnings: Captivity, subtle abuse, unstable personality, possessive, overprotective, and obsessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with. If it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking out this book. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Varying colors, different designs, and multitude of clothing fit for any kind of occasion can be viewed within an area you chose to spend your time with despite the possible consequences you might acquire with delaying your exit. You did not let your gaze wander around any longer, knowing full well how it would only make you horrified upon understanding that your only companion prepared for your arrival as if you will be permanently staying with her. Being in your current position, it was a result of a hasty decision of getting away from Rio the soonest and not wanting to be along with her presence after you begrudgingly accepted her small request.

Her house, her rules. A statement she drilled into your brain the moment you tried to decline her offer of staying the night. With all your might, you persevered with your goal to return to your own home, but it seemed that Rio was more than determined to make you stay before accomplishing by doing so. That moment really hit you so hard that left you shocked, not seeing and even thinking of it happening, but it would seem like you don't know your supposed dearest friend as you might have thought of. Without anyone knowing the reality you are in, they remain unaware that you had been held captive by the one of the people you trusted.

You were resurfaced from being deep with your thoughts when you heard a series of gentle knocks on the locked door before Rio increased the volume of her speaking to remind you clearly. "Y/N! It's been almost thirty minutes already! I think that's too much time for you to change your outfit! Come out already! I wanna take a look!"

Despite the excitement that is obvious within her tone and the absence of her impatience through her action, you knew better than to make her angry by not responding or even following her request. Wanting to try getting a few more minutes to yourself as this would be one of the rare times for you to be alone, you let yourself feel comfortable through the cute onesie. It resembled a bear and because of the fluffiness it possesses, the first thought that came to your mind to compare it would be the stuffed toy version of the animal. Seeing the item through the mirror that looked good and even much cuter on you gave you mild relief for the mean time.

Hearing her knock once more that now showed her impatience with the short delay in between each sound of a thump on the door of the walk in closet, you are left startled before warily gazing at the remaining physical boundary you had with her before finally responding. "D-Do I really have to wear this?!"

"Do you even have to ask that? Of course you need to! Don't be embarrassed! I'm also wearing one that matches yours! Isn't that adorable? If you're not going to get out when I'm done with my countdown, I'll get you out myself! Five!" Rio presented an excited tone at the start of her statements that gradually became threatening once she continues with her countdown.

With each number she announces, it clearly presents her desire to finally see you, getting desperate as she's already prepared to break down the door if she has to, but felt relieved when such action is not needed in the end. Viewing yourself through the full length mirror for the last time, you sighed before letting your anger and frustration with your situation simmer to not let your desperation hinder your possible chance of escape. You forced yourself to remain calm and collected before granting her request, stopping from performing irrational actions just to present your desire to be free from the dull environment you are forced to be held captive in.

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