(E Class Students) The More The Merrier Part III

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Hope you'll like it! Enjoy!

Warnings: Overprotective behavior, kidnapping, slight mention of blood and killing. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


The usual chatter and laughter inside the classroom disappeared from the start of the absence of your presence. For the others, being able to see you when they'll finally arrive inside the room and hearing your voice as melodious as the chirping birds every morning greet them or even luckier with you talking to them is such a kick in their mood, lifting it up instantly as the atmosphere inside the room seems like a light one with you around. But without you, it was bleak and empty that caused even Koro-sensei to be quite disturbed by the silence that greeted him and the absence of liveliness.

Calling the names of his students for the roll call, each of your classmates mutters a small and meek response that he was still able to hear because of the quietness. When it was finally time for your name to be called, different negative reactions were worn by all of the students as it was the third time for them to do so.

"L/N-san? Is L/N-san still absent today? That's the third one in a row. Students, I'll give you all the time of the day to make a search for Y/N. If you ever need me on something, don't hesitate to call."

Noticing the reason of the unhappy mood circling at the four corners of the room, Koro-sensei finally gives the class the permission to investigate your disappearance as he had thought in the past two days that you're just ill, but it wasn't the case when he paid a visit to your residence to find it vacant of any signs of you. Having confidence with the abilities of the students, he left them be and decided to mind his own business unless they need his help with their investigation.

After Koro-sensei left, both the class representatives stood in front and started the meeting as Muramatsu raised a hand, glancing at his friends for confirmation to share a valuable information as it was given to him by Terasaka who nodded his head once. "We just passed by Y/N's house and it seemed that no one was home. Lights were off, curtains closed, and it was even eerily silent."

This revelation caused some to frown and get a bit annoyed at the delay, but let it slide as there is a more important matter they need to tend to.

Nagisa abruptly stands up, placing both of his palms on top of his wooden desk as he exclaims with a hint of worry in his tone. "Karma-kun and I inspected the whole house, but there was no clue on Y/N's whereabouts."

Of course, you didn't give them any permission and even the key to your house, but they just made your unusual absence the reason to ensure what's happening. Meg gives a thankful nod at Nagisa who proceeds to sit back down again. Looking at the others, she reminds them that there's no time to be betrayed or to get jealous of what they just heard as the others followed after her orders with a bit of hesitation, reminding themselves that it's all for your own good.

Glad that everything is calm and in a good state again, Meg focused her gaze to someone who is capable of tracking you down. "Ritsu, could you track down Y/N's current location using her phone? Maybe Y/N still have her phone with her, hopefully."

Ritsu gives a slightly cheerful nod, still much different with her usual attitude, before doing the tadk. Silence was again poured out within the class as they wait with only the small beeping noise coming from Ritsu the occasional sound cutting it.

"Tracking complete! Y/N's current location is at an abandoned warehouse fifty kilometers away from here. I checked through the security cameras around the area too, and found a white van driving through the more secluded streets to the said location from the day of Y/N's first absence." Ritsu's cheerfulness was replaced by seriousness and a bit of anger when she added the next few information as her emotions were reflected by the others.

Chiba crosses his arms across his chest before making a remark. "There's no doubt about it."

Rinka nods in agreement, her eyes slightly narrowing in a dangerous fashion, itching to just get a real sniper rifle to kill the mastermind of this mess. "Yes, it seems like Y/N was kidnapped by someone."

"Y/N's cats are also absent in her house. Could it be that the kidnapper also took them away?" Hazama adds in, putting a finger under her chin in thought.

This caused Kurahashi to tear up as not only her most favorite person gone, but also her cute pets. "Poor Y/N and the kitties."

Toka goes to her side, patting her back as a means of giving comfort. "Probably, but bringing Y/N back here with us is our main priority. If we'll succeed with rescuing her, then that's the time where we'll also rescue the cats."

"Sounds like a plan. So, what's the more detailed plan?" A certain pervert of the class asks, rubbing both of his hands against the other.

Okajima's excitement caused the others to lighten up a little and release a few smiles and chuckle at his antics. It was a cue for those who have a talent in leading and planning to prepare the said plan and other back up ones in case something greets them in surprise. With their only goal is getting you back, it only made the flame of courage, determination and anger to ignite brighter than before.


"All of you ruined my life! Do you think you could get away with what you did with my shop?! No! I know that this certain customer of mine was the cause of your rampage and because of that, I'll get my revenge to the same person! You're all going to pay!" A familiar bruised and scarred face of a man greeted the class.

Within one of his hands is an ax in which was his choice of weapon as it seems like he wanted for the encounter to end in such a bloody mess, but he wasn't the only one prepared for it.

Guns clicking and knives swishing after it was taken out of its sheaths resonated throughout the warehouse as Kayano screams out, already had her knife at the ready along with the others with their own chosen weapons. "Sorry to crush your dreams, mister, but the only one who's going to pay between all of us is you for harming Y/N! And you're going to pay for it with your life!"

"Enough chit chat! It's time for a fight!" Ten muscled men appeared behind the pet owner, proceeding to surround the class while also having their own threatening weapons at the ready.

From where you were confined in, you were still able to hear a heated argument along with the sounds of the weapons that made you scared and nervous about whatever the source may be. Being unable to see and use your hands to get out just added to your swirling emotions.

Rio was unable to hold in her laughter at his confidence, knowing well how this will all end up as they had already the upper hand while also outnumbering him as the number of their enemies is still lesser than them. "Hahaha! Did you really think that surrounding us with a bunch of minions of yours will make us lose? You're a fool to even think that you could beat us and get away with what you've done."

You were quite lucky to avoid being a witness to such amazing, but a gruesome fight between your class and your kidnapper and his goons. Sweat and tears had started to dry up within the cloth that covered your eyes uncomfortably tight that was also the same case to the ropes that bound your wrists with each other. By just feeling the area you are currently occupying, you could already tell the not so good state of it, in which you don't want to let your mind wander off to whatever substances might've caused such a waste.

You flinched when you hear the bars clanking against the other that indicated that someone must have opened it, the only question left is whose side had won the fight. This was answered when various voices joined together to call out your name in relief and gladness. Your view of the crimson mess a little distance in front of you was blocked by your classmates who immediately checked your state after they freed you from being blindfolded and from your restrains. The shop owner really did pay for the mess with his life.

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