(Maehara Hiroto) Friend Or Flirt

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Warnings: Jealousy, possessive and overprotective behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


Standing in front of the glass doors, you couldn't help but to feel nervous and bit scared, thanks to your shy characteristic, of the partying crowd inside the room you and your classmates are supposed to pass through. You were standing in between Okuda and Toka with Kataoka and the others in front of you.

"Y/N? Let's go?" Kataoka gives a small smile, hoping to reassure and make you a bit comfortable at what all of you are about to do.

Some of the girls also gave their encouragement that made you feel a lot better than before. "Okay..."

And so, you prepared your vision for the blaring colorful lights, and your hearing for the loud voices and music. Stepping inside the room, you were quite relieved to know that the other people inside are still minding their own businesses. But it soon disappeared when a boy suddenly pops up in front of you when there was enough space for him too since your other classmates are already a bit farther away from you.

"Excuse me? Can I treat for something?" He asked with a grin, trying to be friendly and he seems like his intentions are good, but you're not going to easily trust this stranger and accompany him.

"Um... I don't really want to..." You give a small smile in politeness, wanting for him to understand your own intention to not mingle with the crowd, but instead, just blend within.

"Are you an angel? Because when I first saw you, I was blinded by your beauty and your overall aura screams kindness and caring." Instead of giving up and leaving, he remarks as he wiggles his body with his hands interlocked with each other as sparkles seem to float around him.

"Y/N? Is it okay for you to...?" Noticing the boy's perseverance to get your attention and to have you as a companion, Kataoka went back to you and asked a permission in which she was quite reluctant to inquire which was evident in her incomplete question, but you manage to understand what she was talking about when her gaze landed to the boy.

"It's fine. No worries. Just please take me out when you're done?" You whisper close to her, not wanting to offend the boy and to let him think that you hate him or something since he just really wanted to befriend you for a reason unknown to you.

"Sure, we'll send Kayano-chan to get you later. Good luck." Kataoka softly pats your shoulder and gives a thumbs up before waving and left afterwards, leaving you to internally sigh in slight annoyance.

'Yep... Luck. I need lots of it for this, I guess.' You followed the yellow haired boy who luckily went to a less crowded part of the room. You lightly chuckle when you noticed that he was joyfully skipping instead of walking like a normal person would be.

He escorts you to a vacant couch as he orders for two glasses of juice. Upon his arrival, the two of you started a conversation and it went well as it piqued your interest. You had known that his name is Nitzu as he was at the current place with two of his friends which he had been separated with. Not noticing the time and a certain green haired female classmate of yours, you slightly scream in surprise when someone sits beside you and softly tugs your wrist.

"It looks like our time together has come to an end. If you ever get lonely, I'm just a call or text away." Nitzu gives a small card towards you as he waves goodbye to your retreating form as you are being tugged away by Kayano after she excused you from him as you responded a positive one before you were fully away from his sight.

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