(Kayano Kaede) Part Of The Play

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Warnings: Death, murder, killer, slight bloody scene, jealousy, overprotective and possessive behaviors. If you're not quite comfortable with the aforementioned warnings, then we kindly suggest for you to read the other chapters that you're fine with, if it's still not suitable for you, then you could also leave this book, but we thank you for giving time and checking this book out. For those who decided to venture further in reading, we hope you enjoy it!


After half of the day filled with lessons from the morning classes, the class bell finally rings that signifies the end of the first half of the classes. You close your notebook and properly place all of your school things inside your bag, getting your lunch box and going outside to have lunch under a shade of a tree afterwards. Plopping down on the grassy ground and leaning your back against the trunk of your chosen tree, that was just firmly planted at the back of your classroom near the entrance of the forest, you began to eat your lunch while peacefully enjoying the nature accompanying you and savoring the flavor of your food.

"Y/N! I finally found you! I brought some pudding for us to share!" A cheery voice called out just after you finished having your lunch.

You look to where it came from to see Kayano skipping her way towards you while showing two containers of pudding. "Kayano-chan? Are you sure it's fine with you to share some with me?"

It's not that you don't want the food. Who wouldn't want some free food? It's just that, it's Kayano we're talking about. The one who could probably live with pudding alone would share it with you.

"Of course I am! Let's eat!" Kayano points at herself with her right thumb after giving you the other pudding while she holds hers with her other hand.

You almost dropped the pudding when Kayano suddenly shoves it to you, as if she's so excited for the two of you to eat together. Which is probably not a lie seeing as Kayano is staring at you who's already closing your eyes with your palms pressed together.

Luckily, Kayano wasn't too distracted that she also managed to speak. "Thank you for the food!"

"Eh? Kayano-chan finally made a move." Karma said after suddenly passing by them while taking a sip from his strawberry milk drink.

After that, he continues to make his way back to the classroom building. His statement made Kayano blush softly as you were a bit confused.

"Move? What move?" You asked after taking a spoonful of the pudding, which was surprisingly your favorite flavor while you look at your companion, who finally manages to keep her cool.

"I-It's nothing, Y/N!" Kayano waves her hand in a dismissive manner while laughing a little, still nervous from earlier.

The remaining half of the class also ended, leaving you both physically and mentally exhausted. You already packed your things inside your bag and is now making your way to your companion when going home. Your view of Nagisa was blocked by a waving hand.

"Y/N? Can I walk home with you?" Kayano suddenly pops up beside you, almost falling to you on how close she was leaning in after she retreats her hand from waving earlier.

"You also go to the train station?" You didn't notice for the past few days that Kayano goes to the train station.

Kayano nervously laughs. "No, but I'll just walk you home until the train station and I'll be going on my way."

"Won't that take some of your time? Is it safe for you to go home after you walk with me?" You asked, concern laced in your voice that made Kayano's heart leap.

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