Chapter 46

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Sylvia's violet eyes stared at the tiny screen in her hand, reading through the email her teacher had sent, telling her that she wasn't going to have that class today. She pressed a knuckle into her temple subconsciously as her annoyance crept up on her.

She had studied for what felt like hours for this stupid test only to find out class today was cancelled and she would have to take her test tomorrow instead. She could practically feel the steam coming off of her in her annoyance as she stood just down the hall from her class, watching as a few other students seemed to get the message at the same time before groaning in frustration and turning on their heels and heading back the way they came.

"You alright?" Came an all too familiar voice behind her. The shiver unintentionally made it's way down her spine even before she turned to face the last person in the world she wanted to see.

Chloe raised a curious eyebrow at her as she stood a few feet back, likely keeping her distance on purpose.

"I'm fine." Sylvia answered taking a subconscious step back as her eyes glanced around to try and find the Lattamer's shadow only to find her vampire companion wasn't with her. "What are you doing here?"

Chloe's tail flicked behind her, and Sylvia couldn't tell if she was annoyed or cautious. She imagined the cat would be waiting for Evania to rush over sensing her emotions. "I'm just wandering around today. I'm not taking classes here if that's what you're wondering."

"If you're not taking classes then why are you here?"

Chloe shrugged. "I'm a little late so I can't sign on this semester, but I'd still like to learn a few things. Tiara is off somewhere, probably sneaking into a lesson or two."

"Can't you sense her presence?" Sylvia questioned.

"I have a general direction, but she's much faster than I am. So she senses me getting close and darts off to the next one."

"Isn't she wearing a collar? Can't you just call her back?"

"I can't send my thoughts to her, so she has to verbally hear a command." She grumbled. "I'm about to tell Bast to go wring her neck."

"The Goddess inside you?" Sylvia asked curiously.

Chloe blinked. "Right. You haven't met her yet."

"Well... Not directly. But if what you said is true she showed me a bit of her true colors when we first met." Sylvia waved her hand around for general effect as she put her phone back into her pocket before crossing her arms over her chest.

Chloe's ears tilted backwards and her gaze broke from Sylvia's face in what the succubus could only assume to be shame. Even standing here she thought it strange that saying such a thing didn't bring up any forbidden emotions. If anything Chloe seemed far more ashamed of the situation than she did. She looked like she hated the experience. Sylvia could taste both the regret and spite on her tongue, telling her that Chloe did not appreciate being used like that.

"Yeah. The more I think about it the less real I feel." The cat noted, before finally making eye contact again. "I want to keep apologizing, but it won't change anything."

"No. It won't. But from what I gather it wasn't your fault." Sylvia answered.

Chloe went to speak but then flinched like someone ran their hand up her spine. The fur on her tail fluffed a bit before her ears folded back completely in annoyance. The eyes that stared back at her had lost their usual blue color, and were instead a deep yellow with a slit pupil like an actual cat.

Sylvia went to question it but a low growl escaped the back of Chloe's throat. "Do you have something you need to say?"


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