Chapter 51

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To say Sylvia was more confident the past few days was an understatement. She was always glancing at her arms before a smile spread across her face like a kid in a candy store. She felt more at home in her own skin, which was something Evania didn't think was possible.

She always thought the succubus was comfortable in her own skin, so seeing her so happy to be rid of those markings was a little different than what Evania expected. She might have had to give the succubus more credit for being able to convince everyone, including herself that she was okay.

Of course now she was okay, and was so happy to finally be herself, which of course was a gift in and of itself. She didn't know it was possible for Sylvia to be happier, so she was sort of impressed to see it. She didn't hide her crest at all anymore, and happily showed it to anyone who asked. Finally feeling like she deserved it.

Evania watched as Sylvia waved off a few people who came to speak with her before returning to the vampire's side, still holding her childish grin.

"Ready to go Treasure?" She asked.

Evania nodded, standing up from the bench she had been sitting on while she waited. Sylvia happily took her hand and the two of them headed back towards their dorm room, their classes finally over with the two of them free to do their own thing for the rest of the day.

Sylvia's grin never faltered, the woman seeming like she had nothing at all to worry about anymore. That she wasn't holding any baggage or wondering what would come next.

Do you still get headaches? Evania found herself asking as she watched Sylvia's expression to see if it would crack at all.

Instead her smile never wavered. "Sometimes. Usually when I'm trying to focus or I get a little frustrated." The succubus answered before smiling down at Evania. "But then I go find you and charge my batteries and I'm fine again."

You're such a looser. Evania rolled her eyes.

"But I'm your looser." Sylvia purred.

I know I say this a lot, but you look happier. I'm glad.

"Are you saying I wasn't happy before?"

You know what I mean. Evania nudged her playfully.

"I know." She brought Evania's hand up to her mouth and placed a gentle kiss to the back of her hand as they walked. "I never realized how much those tattoos effected me. I mean, to be fair, without them I look way more like a demon than before, but I also kind of like the way I look now. It looks more magical and unique. It probably would suit someone like Nyx more, but at the same time it feels right to me." The succubus answered.

Evania's eyes moved towards the tail swaying behind her girlfriend. While the base of the tail was a darker black color, towards the middle of her tail it began to change to an almost glowing purple color as it went downward. About a foot away from the tip of the tail it was a bright, vibrant purple that they discovered had a bio-luminescence to it like their eyes. The purple on her skin literally glowed with her magic.

I'm surprised Nyx doesn't have those same features, to be fair. Evania noted.

"Well, her scales are darker but that's part of her being part vampire. I showed Isirona and she says it's likely because my magic is unique in a lot of ways. Its partly mixed by my connection to you, the curse, my own magic and the magic of my two swords. She says magic can do a lot of weird things and to be fair, my appearance could just be one of those effects."

Does your magic seem different than it was before?

"I feel like it's a little more of a vibrant purple color, but its not super easy to tell. To me it seems brighter but I don't know if that's the case."

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