Chapter 100

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Evania yawned from her bed and glanced over to where her other half was usually sleeping finding the bed unoccupied. She sat up and rubbed her eyes awake before flinching at the sound of music. More specifically, the sound of a guitar being played.

Something about it was almost magical even though her ears could hear what was a rough start before it quickly evened out into a decent, almost professional tune. In her heart she knew it had to be Sylvia, as no one else could catch themselves that quickly.

She picked herself up, and pulled on her undergarments and simply wrapping a blanket around her shoulders before heading out of the room where she found Sylvia sitting on the couch with her legs folded under her as she played an acoustic guitar. Evania found herself walking over before seating herself down on the couch beside the succubus, whom stopped playing a moment to smile at her before continuing.

Sylvia finished her tune before looking at Evania. "Did I wake you?"

"I don't think so." Evania answered. "I feel like I was awake just before you started, but I might have woke to you practicing."

"Then I'm sorry for waking you."

"I didn't know you could play an instrument."

"I wanted to learn." Sylvia smiled getting Evania to roll her eyes.

"You were teaching yourself how to play weren't you?"

"That I was." The succubus smiled playfully.

"You really are amazing Syl, being able to pretty much do whatever you put your mind to."

"I'm lucky, not amazing. I'm lucky I learn as fast as I do, and don't have to work nearly as hard as other people, and I'll never take it for granted." Sylvia explained. "I'm always trying to find something I can't do, and that I'm not good at. I want a challenge."

"I'll have to keep bringing you home puzzles and stuff to keep you occupied." Evania smiled.

"Hey, we're going to be running a school in the future. Maybe that'll be challenge enough."

"Maybe... Were you writing a song or something?"

"Just trying to get a feel for the sounds that come out of the guitar. I was thinking about writing a song or even sarenading you, but thought it would be way too cheesy." Sylvia chuckled.

"From you? I don't really expect anything less." Evania chuckled.

Sylvia strummed the guitar for another minute or so before looking back at Evania. "Vanessa seems to be feeling a lot better. Ciera recorded a bunch of videos of her smiling and laughing again so she's getting back on her feet pretty quickly."

"That's good. I was getting worried she was going to be down in the dumps for a while after biting Ciera." Evania noted.

"Did you Awaken like she did?"

"Yeah." Evania nodded. "It didn't go as well for me."

"You don't have to talk about it." Sylvia noted, strumming a bit more on the guitar.

"All of the horrible things I did when I was first turned were because I wasn't given the choice to do anything else. I either obeyed Agora, or was put through even worse treatment. When I first woke up I didn't know my own strength and hurt a lot of humans by accident."

"I don't think any less of you for them you know?" Sylvia looked up at her. "You know that right?"

"I know." Evania smiled softly. "But I still want you to know. I think it's best that you do."

"Why? Because you saw my history in your dreams? You know I've basically lived your entire life in my dreams right?"

"Then I'm sorry you had to see it."

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