Chapter 29

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Evania was reading her book from the couch while Sylvia was cooking in the kitchen. Sylvia happily cooked a stir fry of some kind, shaking the pan over the stove top like a pro.

The vampire paused, tilting her head at some of the words on the page before glancing up at Sylvia curiously as if examining her. She then went back to her book before raising her head again. "Syl?" She called.


"So... Zali gave me this book on Succubi."

"Anything good?"


"Should I read your thoughts to figure out what you're getting at?" Sylvia chuckled.

"It says that succubi can change their genders to match their prey's preference." Evania asked, looking back down at her book.

She heard the click of the stove, the clanking of a pan being moved to the counter, and suddenly Sylvia was beside Evania reading over her shoulder, gently gripping the bottom corner of the page to prevent Evania from turning it.

"I can change my gender?" Sylvia grinned as she read the page. "Do you want some dick Eva?"

Evania narrowed her eyes, and glared at Sylvia. "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

"It's a serious question."

"No. It wasn't." Evania growled. "I honestly can't believe you asked me that."

"I was only kinda serious. I'm well aware you're not a fan of men. But it might be a cool party trick though."

"How would that be a cool party trick?"

"You might not be entertained by it, but to me that sounds fucking halarious."

Evania face palmed.

"Too bad It doesn't make sense."

"How so?" Evania peeked through her fingers.

"Well, Zali isn't interested in women."


"Zali like's men." Sylvia wiggled her eyebrows playfully.

"How do you know that?"

"Have you seen all the romance novels she's reading? None of them ever have anything to do with women loving women."

"You sneak a peek at her books?"

"Only when they look interesting. She definately prefers men though. I'm certain."

"So what does that have to do with Isirona?"

"With the tight clothes she wears, there's not a chance in hell she's packing."

"For fucks sake Sylvia." Evania growled getting Sylvia to whole heartedly burst out laughing. "You're the worst."

"I am not! It's an interesting conversation topic!"

"How? How is that interesting!"

"Because it involves sex." She shrugs casually. "You're not even the slightest bit interested?"

"No. I really don't care to talk about dicks or whatever the hell this is."

Sylvia chuckled before resting her head on Evania's shoulder and releasing the book. "You know I'm only still pushing the conversation because you're getting all defensive."

"Right." They were silent for a bit as Sylvia just watched Evania's face with a shit eating grin on her face.


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