Chapter 39

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"Ow! Ow! Eva! That stings!" Sylvia whined, banging her fist on the counter. She was seated a the island with her arm held out over the counter. This made it easy for Evania to stand on the other side and dress the wound on her girlfriend's arm.

She had left the stitches alone for the last few days since Sylvia got them, but she noticed that if she didn't change the bandages that Sylvia wouldn't put a lot of effort into cleaning the wound. And when she was "Letting it breathe" she wasn't making sure nothing was getting into it. So Evania, no longer sent into a frenzy at the smell and sight of her lover's blood, was picking the dirt and such from the wound while also cleaning it with more soap and water.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you weren't so careless." Evania answered.

"What do you-OW- mean careless? I change the bandages like four times a day just like I'm supposed to!" Sylvia whined.

"It's twice a day, and you don't clean it. And when you let the wound breathe, you basically rub it all over the couch."

"Are you saying -damn it!- the couch is dirty?" The succubus growled, her tail whipping back and forth like an angry cat.

"There's dirt, hairs, and crumbs in it Sylvia. It's your turn to clean the dorm you know?" Evania glared.

Sylvia paused, realizing she was right and that it was her turn where she sighed. "But you can at least be more gentle right?"

"I could be using rubbing alcohol to disinfect the wound." The vampire retorted.

"What are you using instead?"

Evania held up the bottle of anti-bacterial ointment before continuing on with her task at hand. "I noticed you stayed in bed longer than usual."

"Hmm? Did I?"

"You're usually up at eight on the dot everyday... for some ungodly reason..."

"It's just how my internal clock works." Sylvia answered with a smirk, but Evania saw through it.

"You had a headache this morning, didn't you?"

Sylvia rolled her eyes before resting her forehead against the counter, careful not to move her arm so Evania could continue to take care of the wound. "It was a small one, but I wasn't expecting it. I just didn't want to get up and tried soaking up as much of your mana as possible before you got up." She explained.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Because by the time you woke up my headache was gone. It is gone, at least for now." The succubus raised her head to look at Evania who was focused on the task at hand, rather than her whiny girlfriend. "I promise I feel fine right now."

"I believe you." Evania nodded. "Are you nauseous at all?"

"On and off." Sylvia shrugged before grinning playfully. "Who knows, maybe I'm pregna-OW FUCK! EVANIA! OW! SORRY!" Sylvia whined as Evania glared up from the succubi's arm. "I'll never tease you with that again! Holy fuck!"

Evania grumbled before she started applying the ointment to Sylvia's wound. Sylvia stayed very still, and didn't say another word until Evania finished rewrapping it. As soon as she was done, Sylvia pulled her arm away and cradled it like she couldn't believe Evania had done that to her. Evania rolled her eyes and made her way back into the living room before sitting on the couch as Sylvia watched her by spinning on the stool. She got up a moment later and joined her, laying her head on the vampire's lap.

"Hey Eva?"


"Why do you want to take care of the wound so badly? I would have thought you wouldn't want anything to do with it since it's bleeding all the time." Sylvia asked.

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