Chapter 35

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Evania stepped into her darkened dorm room and frowned. Sylvia would never leave the lights off unless she wasn't home. But she could smell her other half in her bedroom and knew she was home. It wasn't like her to hide in the dark.

She dropped her bag at the door and made her way into Sylvia's room, gently pushing opened the unlocked door. She glanced about the pitch black room, her eyes quickly finding Sylvia tucked in the corner of the room beside her wardrobe. The succubus was sitting with her knees hugged closely to her chest. Her tail coiled around her hooves and her horns curved over her ears.

Evania glanced back at her own bedroom door before looking back at Sylvia and knocking lightly to get her attention. Sylvia raised her head from the top of her knees, her glowing purple eyes locking on Evania before she quickly turned her face away. "I'm fine. Did you need something?"

But it was too late. Evania had seen it. The tears that streamed down Sylvia's face. She could already sense how upset and crushed Sylvia was before she even made it into the dorm, but to see it on her face.

Evania was in front of Sylvia before she could blink, quickly taking her wrists to get her attention. She wanted to speak, to say something to her, but she had no idea what she could say. She heard the conversation though their link, and knew exactly what was bothering the succubus. But she didn't think she could say it better than Nyx did.

"I told you I'm fine." Sylvia answered, trying to pull her wrists away but Evania held tightly. The bandage on Sylvia's left arm came undone a bit revealing the golden tattoos that peeked out of her wrist. Sylvia went to speak again, but Evania glared at her, telling her that she didn't believe a word.

"What's your color?" Evania asked, her eyes boring deep into Sylvia's, daring her to lie again.

Sylvia opened her mouth to give a retort, but her emotions swelled up inside her. She practically choked on her own tears as a sob escaped her lips. She quickly moved to throw herself into Evania's arms, ignoring the bandage that continued to fall off her arm revealing more of the tattoo. She cried loudly into Evania's shoulder.

Evania held onto the succubus tightly, rubbing her back and letting her know she was here for her. That nothing was going to change that.

When Sylvia began to collect herself, and her cries became whimpers she chuckled at herself between her tears. "I'm such a hypocrit."

Evania gently pushed Sylvia away so she could see her face. Sylvia took one look at her expression and knew exactly what the vampire was thinking without even reading her mind. You're not!

"I told you that you didn't have to hate yourself because you weren't a monster. That you didn't have to be your father. But here I am terrified of being the same thing!"

Evania shook her head. It's not the same thing. You hate yourself because you feel like you can't measure up to him because you're not human. It's different.

"I hate myself because I'm a monster!" Sylvia answered. "I want to do horrible things to people even when I know I'm with you!"

But you don't do those things!

"Because I don't want to be a monster!"

Then how can you be one? You could only be one if you gave into those desires!

"I can never measure up to him! I'm not some Holy King of Knights or King of Britian or anything! I'm a slutty succubus who just-"


"Don't you ever talk about yourself like that again!" Evania snarled.

Sylvia's hands went to her cheek. The sting fresh and painful.

Louder Than Words (Lesbian Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang