Chapter 66

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Everyone stayed for what felt like hours just chatting and enjoying each other's company. Sylvia had at one point moved her hand from the vampire's leg, to holding her hand where it remained for the rest of the night, until everyone stood up to say their goodbyes.

Mani pulled Evania into a gentle hug, and although she didn't say anything, Evania knew she was thanking her. When Levian pulled her into a hug the human smiled warmly. "It was nice to finally meet you Eva."

Likewise. Evania answered in her head. Thank you for helping me with my homework earlier, I appreciate it.

"Anytime. Who knows, maybe you'll eventually be teaching me how to do that stuff." Levian laughed.

Sol was next to pull Evania into a hug. The vampire had since realized that Sol was much more like Vanessa than Sylvia was, and it was probably why Sylvia enjoyed Vanessa's company so much. She was an almost perfect match to the other vampire's personality.

Sol's hug was tight, but friendly. Like she wanted to press as much joy into the shorter girl as she could. When she stepped back she had a huge smile on her face. "It was so good to see you again Eva! Sorry again about mom."

Evania smiled nervously, waving her off. It really wasn't that bad.

Lyn pushed Sol aside with a roll of her eyes and offered her hand to the vampire, but Evania just pulled her into a hug instead. As they stepped back, Evania took hold of Lyn's arms to hold her in place a moment. For the record, you didn't upset me in any way. I'm just not used to how happy and loud this family is. But I'm getting there. Evania explained.

"Loud is an understatement." Lyn confessed, though her smile told her she was just as nervous.

Finally Gwen made her way over to Evania, and the vampire didn't hesitate to pull her into a hug. I'm sorry about how I acted earlier.

"Don't ever apologize about something like that my dear. I pushed myself into your personal space without thinking about how you felt. While Sylvie has told me a lot about you, there was a lot she omitted to respect your privacy. I should have stayed with Sol and Mani and met you under your terms, not when I felt like it." Gwen explained.

Evania glanced over her shoulder at Syl as she stepped out of Gwen's arms, holding onto her like she had Lyn previously. She then looked back up at Gwen after Sylvia blinked curiously.

Can I ask you a personal question, regarding Sylvia?

"Of course."

Do you believe she's really a gift from God? Evania asked, her eyes studying the expression on Gwen's face.

Gwen's eyes never left Evania's as the loving smile appeared on her face. She gently reached up and cupped Evania's cheeks softly. "The greatest one."

Evania answered with a smile of her own as the woman pulled her into another hug. Me too.

They said their final goodbyes with Sylvia walking them to the door. When it finally closed Sylvia turned back to the living room and snapped her fingers, causing the second couch to shimmer out of existence and return the TV to where it was previously. She then raised an eyebrow at Evania curiously.

"Why'd you kick me out of your thoughts for a second there? Sharing a dirty secret with my mom?" She asked, touching a finger to her temple.

I had a question for her. I expected her answer though. Evania confessed with a small shrug.

"You're not going to tell me what it was?"

That was the point of kicking you out of my thoughts Sylvie. Evania teased.

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