Chapter 78

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There was an unspoken softness between them after that. Like something even more personal had been shared, and that they had somehow found themselves deeper in love than they were previously.

When they woke the second time, in Sylvia's pocket dimension they shared a few kisses, but nothing was said. They redressed with Sylvia simply summoning her previous attire back onto her body before whisping a hand over Evania and summoning a new set of clothing that looked similar to the ones she was wearing before, but of a different color. Evania glanced down at herself before looking up at Sylvia who just smiled.

"So you can use magic, but I can't?" Evania questioned.

"You can use magic, you're just stuck in your true form. Which only slightly looks different mind you." Sylvia smirked.

Evania looked down at herself again, noting her clawed hands and fur covered torso. She looked back up at Sylvia with a raised eyebrow, but the succubus just smiled and took her hand, leading her back down the spiral steps and into the kitchen. There was no island to sit at, but Evania sat on a counter and watched Sylvia cook breakfast before they both moved into the dinning area where they sat next to each other on one side of the table. Sylvia placing a plate of breakfast in front of Evania as they did.

Evania didn't know when her tongue tasted Vanilla, because as she dug in she realized that she was perfectly capable of tasting it. She smiled happily at the bacon, eggs and pancakes that she had been made. She gently nudged Sylvia's shoulder as the two of them began eating, a silent thank you for the meal.

They finished and wordlessly stood up before heading back into that center room. Sylvia waved her hand, reopening the portal back to their own dorm. As she turned around to face Evania, the vampire was looking at her like she was now thinking about something important.

"How long has it been since we met?"

"It feels like years." Sylvia chuckled.

"How long?"

"Do you not know?"

"I'm asking you."

"It's been a little over a year. Maybe two." Sylvia answered, holding her soft smile. "Why do you ask?"

"I know what you wanted to ask me."

"I'm sure you do."

"Why don't you just ask then?"

"Because I want it to be perfect."

"But the answer won't change."

Sylvia chuckled again. "You want to tie yourself to me for an eternity?"

"We share a body and mind Sylvia. A ring isn't really adding much onto it." Evania shrugged.

"True. But if I ask you now, a ring is all that it is. I want it to mean something."

"And that moment in your room after showing me the deepest part of your heart wasn't?"

"If I'm going to propose to you, it's going to be while I'm doing something super flirty and cheesy for you. Not after you caught me off guard and derailed me." Sylvia answered.

"But you wanted to."

"I've wanted to for a while." Sylvia corrected. "I still see this as something that will last for an eternity, and I'm fully prepared for that. I don't want to go anywhere or be anywhere else as long as your here." Sylvia explained with the same soft smile that never faltered.

"So even though you know I'll say yes, and that this is forever, you don't want to ask me because you want it to be perfect?"


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