Chapter 10

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"So your magic didn't effect Sylvia at all?"

Eva shook her head as she sat at her mother's desk. She held up her hands and signed, explaining the situation to her mother and Janet who was sitting next to Eva. Octavia Arthur was pacing in the center of the room, her hand to her chin in deep thought.

"Does she know why?" Octavia asked.

"She thinks it's because we're mates. Succubi share everything with their mate, even their bodies. She can feel everything I do and even sense my emotions and presence like I'm part of her. Zali said that once she and Isirona got closer that she started to get some of the same subconscious ticks that Isirona has." Evania explained.

"So, Sylvia isn't effected by your magic because she shares your body. Her body is immune to the magic the same way you were immune to your father's?" Janet questioned.

"She says she can still sense my magic trying to effect her, but it can't grasp it."

"It's the most likely senario. But that means that you can speak to her without hurting her. She can help you learn to control your power Eva." Octavia smiled softly.

"You said that Isirona told you to send Sylvia to me? Did she know?" Evania spelled out the names in Sign.

"Isirona couldn't have known." Her mother shook her head. "Isirona only knew that Sylvia would be able to help you break out of your shell. There's no way she could have known that you and Sylvia were mates. The only people who'd ever be able to know that would be you and Sylvia."

"But why did you use your voice in the first place?" Janet asked.

"She was having issues with her nature. She ran into her room to try and prevent herself from doing something that she would reget. I sort of pushed her into coming out anyway, and I think she lost it for a moment because she was on top of me. I yelled at her and it must have snapped her out of it."

"If your magic doesn't effect her, then how could it snap her out of it?" Janet asked.

"Because even if her nature had taken control, she knew that Evania needed help. And that was far more important to her than her nature." Octavia explained. "Where's Sylvia now?"

Evania shook her head. "I told her that I needed to talk to you, and explain the situation to you right away, then I just left."

"You can't sense her?"

"I don't think so."

"Where's the first place you'd think to look for her?" Janet asked.

"The library." Evania blinked. "She hates books, why would I look for her there?"

"Because you know where she is at all times. It's part of your vampiric nature. She's also probably not there for books, but rather, someone reading the books."

Evania's eyes widened and she jumped out of her chair and ran from the room. She sprinted down the hallways ignoring people who were shouting at her and trying to get her to stop or slow down. She ran down a few flights of stairs then nearly threw herself into the library, stumbling in the doorway.

She looked up, finding Sylvia sitting at a table next to Kai who's fingers were sliding over a page of her book. Evania practically sprinted over, grabbing Sylvia by the arm and pulling her away.

"Whoa! What's going on!?" Sylvia shouted, nearly falling out of her chair before catching herself. Kai stood up quickly, probably thinking that Sylvia was being attacked before relaxing a bit as she realized who it was.

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