Chapter 91

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Evania watched as Sylvia seemed to struggle a moment with pulling her shirt over her head. She had gone to class today, but still seemed very tired compared to usual. The vampire was sitting in bed reading a book when Sylvia returned from the meeting with the Council, and she could tell right away her succubus was not feeling well.

"You're still sore?" Evania asked as she moved to the other side of the bed and stepped off so she could move over to Sylvia. The succubus gave up trying to lift her shirt and exhaled deeply. "It's been two days."

"Trust me Treasure, it feels way better now than it did before." Sylvia admitted with a soft smile. "I'm just tired. And before you go telling me 'maybe you shouldn't have drawn Excalibur then' I've never drawn the sword before, and Dad never said anything about being exhausted."

"You said so yourself, the sword doesn't channel power through you. If anything it was probably how hard you fought with Caliburn." Evania shrugged. "I just don't understand why it's lasting so long if the arena was supposed to heal things like these. I know Kai said wounds made by divinity tend to stick around more but it's been two days."

"It's only really my right arm and ribs now." The succubus confessed. "To be honest, it hurts more at the shoulder and wrist."

"Where Kai's teeth sunk into you?"

Sylvia managed a guilty smile. "I didn't want to say anything to her."

"You could have told me."

"I was afraid you were going to try and kill her."

"As if I could."

"Once again, you have her blessing Treasure." Sylvia reached out with her left hand and flicked Evania on the nose, getting her to growl before swatting her hand away.  "I bet you could give her a serious run for her money, considering you're way faster and stronger than she is."

"I cannot summon weapons out of thin air like she can."

"No. But if she can't hit you, how useful are those weapons?"

"You and her practically vanished for your first strikes at the start of your fight. She's plenty fast enough... I do think it's weird that they can create obsidian weapons."

"It's not actual obsidian." Sylvia confessed before turning around and going over to Penne's tank. The snake was coiled up on top of a rock under one of the lamps in her tank, but just looked up to acknowledge Sylvia before lowering her head back down. Sylvia opened the tank and plucked what Evania thought was a new log out of the tank before closing it again. She then returned to Evania, and handed her a small chunk of what had to be Kai's broken spear. It was less than a foot long and both ends had been sanded flat, but it was no doubt made of that obsidian material.

"What- You put that in Penne's tank!?" Evania asked.

"I sanded it down first. I thought it looked cool."

"When did you take that out of the arena?" Evania asked.

"I just tossed it off the side of the bed with my clothes right after we teleported in." Sylvia admitted with a grin before offering it to Evania.

The vampire narrowed her eyes at the succubus before taking the object. It was surprisingly warm, yet cold to the touch if it made sense. Like there was a pulsing heat to it, but the actual material itself was cold. It also had a crystal texture to it, like Evania was holding a sturdy piece of quartz, yet the color wasn't quite black. The more Evania looked at it and turned it in her hands, the more she realized that it almost looked like it was made with a very dark ruby. As it had hints of red to it's color, but they were so wound together that the shaft appeared to be black instead.

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