Chapter 36

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Vanessa put a hand on Sylvia's shoulder as she sat beside her in the council room. "You doing okay?" She asked nervously. She had arrived early, hoping to catch a moment with Sylvia before the rest of the council got there. That was of course, if the succubus actually showed up.

"Yeah." Sylvia answered. "I'm okay. I was overwelmed yesterday is all. A lot of emotions that were bottled up just kind of imploded on me."

"Did Eva talk to you?"

"Of course she did." Sylvia rolled her eyes. "As if she didn't realize my struggle the moment it happened."

Vanessa glanced down at the now completely visible tattoo on Sylvia's arm. Before she could look away, Sylvia offered the vampire the arm so she could look it over. Vanessa looked from the arm to the succubi's face before gently taking her wrist to examine it for herself. "It doesn't bother you anymore?"

"I guess... the best way to say it is that I feel the same way about it as Kai does about her eyes." Sylvia answered. "I'll probably hide it most days, but it doesn't really bother me as much anymore."

"Why hide it at all then?"

"Just because I've accepted myself doesn't mean I enjoy the attention." Sylvia chuckled. "I'll keep some bandages in my bag or just wear long sleeves or something."

"Speaking of long sleeves, Nyx said something about your tattoos?" Vanessa asked.

"Hmm? What did she say?"

"That they were magic or something. That it was parcially why you didn't want to become your dad."

Sylvia shrugged. "The tattoos were never my idea. Morgan Lee Fay slapped them on me when I was young to try and get the nobles to see me as a demon of some kind to discredit my parents. It backfired on her, as the Church thought it meant it was God's blessing. Which, I don't see how that could be since they weren't holy looking at all." Sylvia shrugged. "Merlin probably pulled some magic shit I wasn't aware of back then."

"So the tattoos that you openly show off are a curse?"

"I didn't always openly show them off. Even back then I tried my best to hide them. When I first got here it was mostly long sleeve shirts and what not. But after I started trying to convince Evania that she wasn't a monster, I had to take my own advice. So I started wearing short sleeves and tank tops to show them off on my arms and neckline a bit. I embraced them because they didn't have to be a bad thing. Hell, a lot of people thought they were really cool."

"If you don't hate them, then what made you react the way you did?" Vanessa asked curiously.

Sylvia went from a gentle smile to a guilty sadness. "I still haven't completely come to terms with it yet, but I'm getting there. When I do, I'll tell you guys, but until then I'd like to keep it to myself." Sylvia answered. "The important thing is that I'm starting to accept me for who and what I am. It's just going to be a while before I can completely accept myself."

"I take it you wont be swinging either of your swords around anytime soon then?" Vanessa smirked.

"Excalibur? Not a chance. That was the sword my father was most remembered for, and it doesn't seem right for me to just pull it out whenever I feel like it. Caliburn, maybe. If I have to protect people I care about who knows, maybe I'll just draw it without thinking like I did before?" She shrugged.

"But you are okay though? Right?" Vanessa asked.

Sylvia smirked and pinched the vampire's cheek getting her to growl and try and swat her away. "I'm glad you care about me. I'm usually the one worrying about everyone else so it's nice to have friends who do the same."

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