Chapter 82

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"So how soon are you thinking about having the wedding?" Janet asked curiously.

She, Kai, Zali and Evania had headed back to Evania's dorm while Vanessa dragged Sylvia out for drinks. Which meant Vanessa was going to drink, and Sylvia was going to babysit her, and it would probably be in Vanessa's dorm because Sylvia couldn't do clubs.

Evania wasn't worried.

She and Zali returned from the kitchen where Evania handed Janet a warm mug of tea while Zali placed another mug in Kai's hands before the two of them sat on the other side of the coffee table where the four of them could continue their study session.

Evania shrugged a bit and started signing her answer before catching herself.

"Hey, do whatever's comfortable. I know speaking probably feels really weird for you." Janet noted. Zali placed a gentle hand on Evania's shoulder with a warm smile.

Evania nodded a bit and started signing again, sending her thoughts to Kai. "It's weird. I'm so nervous it's not going to work and I'm going to end up accidentally hurting someone, but she promised it's full proof."

"You doubt my divinity?"

What? No. Why would you-

"I'm kidding." Kai said with a smirk before sipping her tea.

"Rude." Evania muttered, getting Janet and Zali to laugh.

"It got you to talk didn't it?"

"Don't start acting like Vanessa. She already sent me a ton of thoughts begging me to say a bunch of things. I think she thinks I need to practice using my voice, like I wasn't already using it daily with Sylvia." Evania shrugged, signing a bit as she spoke, likely a reflex. "I just... I don't know, I don't feel comfortable speaking."

"So, you can control your power now?" Janet asked, getting Evania to nod.

"I can focus it more too." Evania explained. "We tested it with Alice and Sarah. Alice used to be able to resist it for a bit. If I'm focusing on a single person then she can't resist it at all, but if I'm just letting it out as a general command she can."

"So, you're telling me it made your power stronger?" Kai asked.

"In a way." Evania shrugged.

"I wonder why your power was so untamed." Zali tapped her pencil to her chin.

"Do you think it had something to do with you being sick?" Janet asked curiously.

Evania shrugged. "Maybe. But I've never heard of anyone else having a similar issue. Alice was looking everywhere for an answer before I came back and couldn't figure it out. Science couldn't figure it out either. The issue is my power isn't exactly unique since it's the same one my father had, which is weird in and of itself."

"I've never heard of two Pureblood's having the same power. But I did always think it was weird that Agora and Zia didn't have powers but every other Pureblood did." Kai noted.

"Alice explained to me that Agora and Zia did have powers. But they were taken from them."

"Wait... Rose could do that?" Janet questioned.

"Why would she?" Zali asked.

"Because she was afraid they would use that power against her." Kai explained. "Her first two daughters betrayed her, what was stopping her next children from doing the same?"

"You agree with her?"

"Not at all. I'm just saying I understand where she's coming from. Plus, she's long since proven she's not a monster, and considering they turned out to be power hungry monsters we had to kill I'm glad she did. Can't imagine fighting them while they have a super power or something to turn the tables on us." Kai shivered a bit, her fur bristling.

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