Chapter 33

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Fear and panic.

That was all Evania felt. Of course, the kids didn't intend to make her feel that way. They just wanted to hang out and talk to her. But they were taller and smelled like demons. She tried to calm herself.

Take a deep breath.

"Are you alright Evania?" One of the taller boys asked before motioning for his friends to step back a bit.

Evania took another deep breath. She focused on him, sending him her thoughts knowing they already knew she couldn't talk. Sorry. I don't do well with a lot of people. She answered.

"It's okay. We actually wanted you to help us with a study thing." He answered. The girl beside him smiled gently as if assuring her.

Evania shook her head, bowing her head a bit, afraid to meet anyone's gaze.

"It's okay to say no." The girl offered, moving like she was going to put a hand on Evania's shoulder but decided against it.

"Evania?" Came Kai's voice. Evania turned to look as Kai and Zali who made their way over looking at the small group of five or so people standing in front of their friend. "Did these guys cause you any trouble?"

Evania shook her head, looking to Zali as she began speaking in sign language. "I'm okay. They wanted me to study with them. They weren't causing me trouble." She told her.

"It's alright Kai. They just wanted to study with her." Zali translated, glancing around at the crowd. She stepped away from Kai who held out her hand to have Evania take her place in being her guide for the moment. Evania didn't hesitate to take the Goddess by the arm and let her divinity wash away her fears allowing her to breath easy for a moment.

"Sorry about that." Zali smiled gently. "Evania's nervous and shy without her friends around."

The boy shook his head scratching the back of his neck nervously. "We didn't mean to upset her."

Evania shook her head again and Zali glanced at her before smiling back up at the students. "You didn't. Like I said, she just gets nervous without her friends. You probably just got a little to close or loud or something silly. No one really thinks about it."

"Isn't it kinda rude to talk about her like that when she's right there?" The girl raised a curious eyebrow.

Evania smiled gently at the girl, telling her she was okay before pulling Kai a little closer.

"I wouldn't tell you something Evania wouldn't want me to." Zali answered. "Normally I'd mind my own business, but Evania wants people to know she has a bit of trouble because it prevents them from pushing her limits."

"I get it." The boy nodded. "Sorry we made you feel uncomfortable."

"Yeah Evania, we didn't mean it." Another agreed.

"You're okay now though, right?" The girl asked, getting Evania to nod a bit. "Then, maybe next time one of us will come up and ask you, and we can try and be friends that way." She smiled gently.

Evania returned the smile and nodded.

The group left with a few appologies and waves before Kai gently nudged the vampire's head with her own. "You okay?" The Goddess asked.

Evania nodded a bit.

"Kai told me someone was nervous. She wasn't happy when I told her I thought it might have been you." Zali smiled gently at Evania.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay." Kai answered.

Evania tapped on Kai's arm with a gentle smile. Thank you. I didn't know what I was going to do besides melt into a mess. Evania whispered in her head.

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