Chapter 60

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"This is the dumbest thing you have ever done." Zali face palmed.

"It's not that dumb." Vanessa rolled her eyes before pouring her beaker into a small vial.

"What if she turns purple?" Zali asked.

"I can already do that." Sylvia grinned from where she was sitting. "It'll be fun!"

"Being unable to lie sounds like fun?" Zali asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't lie usually." Sylvia shrugged. "No harm no fowl."

Vanessa happily offered Sylvia the vial. "I appreciate you testing my truth potion."

"Anytime. I know who's going to be my test subject next time." Sylvia took the vial and downed it quickly, wincing at the taste. "Bland. Very noticeable. I don't know how you'd mask the flavor."

"Mask the- do you already have plans for this shit?!" Zali asked with a glare.

"Of course not." Vanessa grinned.

"She's going to give it to you and or Kai to see what mayhem occurs." Sylvia answered.

"Don't give away my secrets!" Vanessa scoffed. "I thought we were friends."

"We are friends." The succubus answered. "But Zali scares me more than you do."

"Oof." Vanessa chuckled. "Good to know."

"How long does it take to kick in?" Zali asked curiously, watching Sylvia's expression for any changes.

Sylvia shrugged and Vanessa went over the book in front of her. "It says a minute or so."

Sylvia grumbled putting a hand to her stomach. "It seriously does not taste good. My stomach feels like I just ate a bunch of bugs."

"That means it's working." Vanessa grinned. "What color underwear are you wearing?"


"Ness, you have to ask a question she wouldn't normally answer." Zali face palmed.

"She doesn't lie!"

"Sylvia, you have to try to lie." Zali noted.

"What color bra are you wearing?" Vanessa continued.

Sylvia's mouth opened to answer before she had a chance to think about it. Her brow knitted in confusion, looking like a fish out of water for a moment. "Blue."

She moved her hand to her temple. "Weird."

"Weird? You okay?"

"My head feels weird." Sylvia confessed. "I think I'm okay."

"Who's your roommate?" Vanessa asked, watching Sylvia's expression.

Once again Sylvia's mouth opened in an attempt to speak before she had the opportunity to think. Her breath was caught in her throat as she tried to prevent herself from speaking, let alone telling the truth before she basically gasped out her answer. "Evania."

"Are you okay?"

"Are you sure that was a truth potion? It feels wrong. I've had a truth potion before and this isn't it." Sylvia noted.

"What did you give her Vanessa?" Zali narrowed her eyes.

"Lyn said it was a truth potion!"

"Lyn?! Like Lyndi? Like my sister's girlfriend?" Sylvia narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah. She was visiting the other day with your sisters and gave me this book with this page marked. She said it would be funny." Vanessa shrugged.

Sylvia reached over the table, swatting the vampire away as she looked over the page. "You can't read Draconic can you?"

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