Chapter 6

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"Ca-a-a-a-a-ake." Sylvia grinned watching Evania as she set the large chocolate cake down on the counter. The vampire rolled her eyes and moved away, giving Syl the space to get close and examine it.

"What's the occasion?"

My mother got it. She didn't tell me why.

"Are you sure you didn't secretly get it yourself so you could secretly feel better about something that you may or may not have done? Cuz I do that all the time." The succubus admitted, slipping onto one of the stools by the island as Eva moved into the kitchen.

No. It really was my mother.

"At least your honest. I would have taken the credit." Syl smirked.

Well, I'm not you.

"Obviously." The succubus rolled her purple eyes. "You getting ready to cut me a slice?"

I can do that. Evania answered, grabbing a knife and two plates. Big piece or a small one?

"Lay it on me babe." Sylvia grinned.

Evania cut two pieces of cake, a bit too large but Sylvia certainly didn't complain. She handed her succubus a fork and she stabbed into it with a happy grin. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she practically purred in excitement. "Perfect."

Evania rolled her eyes and took a small bite herself, pausing and staring down at the cake in shock.

Sylvia noticed her reaction halfway through her third bite. "You okay?" Sylvia asked, her mouth still filled with cake.

I can actually taste it.

"You mean you couldn't before?"

After I was turned food became very dull and bland. But I can taste this cake like I used to. Evania explained, taking another bite without missing a beat.

"Maybe your mom did something fancy? Magic maybe?" Sylvia wondered.

Evania nodded a bit before pulling her phone from her pocket and texting her mother, asking what was special about the cake because she could actually taste her food.

I don't know. She used to be a biologist and has a bunch of friends in the science field, so she's always making things for vampires to help out. Maybe this was one of them.

"I hope she doesn't make you test these things." Sylvia blinked before seeming to realize that she was also eating it. "And I also hope that it's not toxic to me."

Evania stared at the succubus for a moment before sending her mom another message.

Apparently, you get your taste back when there's just a tiny bit of vanilla in it, so yes, Sylvia can eat it too. It's a totally normal cake that has no experiments on it. Promise ;).

The cake is safe for you. It's apparently got a bit of vanilla in it which lets me taste it. Weird.

"Vampires and their vanilla." Sylvia grinned, though leaned back a bit as Eva pointed her fork very threateningly at her. "Easy there, I'm just teasing you."

It's still strange. A few drops of vanilla and I can taste it perfectly fine? Evania noted, staring at the cake on her plate.

"Why does that surprise you?"

Why does vanilla help vampires like that? It's a perfectly natural plant extract, yet it's something vampires love and it helps them taste real food again. I don't really understand.

"You don't have to understand it." Sylvia laughed. "You just have to be glad that it exists. Eat your cake, and stop talking about it."

The vampire shoved another fork full of cake into her mouth with a glare like she was half angry at the cake, and half angry at herself.

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