Chapter 7

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"Why do you think she doesn't talk?"

"Did someone take her tongue?"

"Maybe her vocal cords?"

Sylvia listened as the kids talked about Evania. She assumed the woman who all but attacked her had started a rumor, and made Evania's condition the talk of the school. No one seemed to hate her for it, but they were still curious.

The questions only made Sylvia curious herself, but she knew asking Evania wouldn't get her answers just yet. She wondered if her mom would be more forthcoming with the important information. Sylvia didn't want anyone but Eva to tell her her troubles. But why she couldn't talk would make it easier.

If she couldn't talk then making jokes would irritate her. If she could talk and just chose not to then there were psychological issues that Sylvia could help her without pushing too hard.

"Maybe she's just doing it for attention?"

"Maybe she's had a traumatic experience that scarred her for life." Sylvia snapped, without even thinking about it.

The man who said it stared at her in shock like she was the last person he thought would speak up.

"Aren't you her roommate?" He asked curiously.

"I am yes. I don't mind you all wondering why she doesn't speak, but don't act like you know the kind of person she is."

"How does me thinking she wants attention mean I know the kind of person she is?"

"You don't know. She hates attention." Sylvia snapped. "I don't care if you wonder why she doesn't talk, but don't you dare assume it's because she wants something like attention."

"We're not bullying her, we're just wondering the kind of person she is."

"You are bullying her. Just not to her face." Sylvia retorted, her purple eyes glowing almost violently. "Am I right to assume anything about you?"

"Be my guest." The man motioned to himself.

Sylvia glanced him up and down once. "You're clothes are disheveled and messy, and so is your hair. You have dirt on your cheek and a tan line on your wrist for a sweat band. You're an athlete and you just finished a run or game so you're still working off the effort."

The man blinked with a smile and went to speak but Sylvia continued instead.

"You have a brand new notebook but only two pages have been used, yet we've been in school for a few weeks now, which also tells me that you don't care much for this class and don't have much of an interest in the lessons. You probably think you're the star player on your team and will get some kind of scolarship for your altheticism, but that's not how the real world works. If you're dumb as a rock they don't care how well you play in a high profile school."

"I'm not-" The man's expression went from amused shock to anger.

"How do you think Evania would feel about people making assumptions like that about her?"

The man waved her off with a grunt. "I get your point, damn. I'll leave Evania alone."

"Didn't know you cared so much about Evania." Another student asked.

"Eva's my friend, and I'll stand up for her every chance I get."

The girl behind Sylvia chuckled getting the succubus to turn and raise an eyebrow at her. "You really do, considering you gave Juliet a run for her money the other day."

"Juliet's her name? She didn't bother introducing herself when she grabbed Eva and started yelling at her because she wouldn't appologize."

"Juliet's as dense as her cake-faced makeup." The girl answered with a laugh. "The only thing she cares about is being the most popular girl. She thinks she can make everyone in this school bow to her perfection. Too bad for her most of us don't care for egotistical ass-hats."

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